$12,000 (and counting) to tackle mental health as a team.

Mental Health League
Mental Health League
2 min readSep 25, 2018

MHL Fans,

We wanted to check-in with you guys as we reflect on everything that’s happened this week, and let you know what’s next for the MHL.

A week ago, we were working at Mike’s apartment wondering if $6k was attainable. Now, 5 days into our Kickstarter we’ve raised $12,000.


As you can imagine, we’re elated. Reaching that milestone is HUGE for us as it proves that people believe in this and funds the initial Rally Cap inventory we need to start the rally for mental health.

So what’s next?

We’re marching towards $15,000, but realistically we hope to reach $25,000 (and beyond) to really bring the MHL vision to life.

We want the world to rally around mental health. We want to make sure every mental health warrior feels supported, understood, and celebrated.

To do that, we need to begin to build our community and tell their stories, which is what the next $8,000 (and hopefully beyond) will go towards. Here are some examples of what your support will help fund…

  • Build the MHL Instagram to be like a Humans of New York slash Sportscenter for mental health where we highlight amazing stories from the MHL’s star players, fans, trainers, and coaches.
  • Host MHL Huddle live events where we facilitate panels and build community amongst mental health supporters.
  • Build an advisory board of certified mental health specialists to guide us.
  • Begin our website buildout with mental health resources and stories for each team.
  • Recruit Team Captains to rally each team.

This is the next phase. Let us know your thoughts on what you would like to see from us. Starting dialogues is what this is all about.

Thanks again for your continued support. Also, here are links to back our Kickstarter and share our launch video.

With Love,
Mike & Nicole

