Good Mental Health Is Just Like Pulling Weeds

Mike Vosters
Mental Health League
1 min readAug 17, 2020
Mental health is just like pulling weeds.

Last week, I read a mental health metaphor that really hit home. It comes from my teammate on the Anxietees in the Mental Health League, a mental health community that gives people the daily motivation, training, and team support.

“I learned valuable lessons from pulling weeds today that apply to mental health. Pull them early and often. They compete for space and resources much like an unwanted thought competes for your mind’s attention. Pull the entire weed including the root or else it comes back bigger and stronger (similar to addressing a trigger vs an underlying cause). Leave dormant weeds (thoughts) alone because pulling them could bring seeds to the surface. Finally, using the proper gardening tools like shovels, knives and claws makes weeding easier. Likewise, exercising, meditating, eating well etc. makes mental health better.” — Rich C

I’d add commentary, but there’s nothing more that needs to be said. Pull your weeds. Run your plays. Keep learning — from life and from one another.



Mike Vosters
Mental Health League

Nomadic entrepreneur, developer, & mental health advocate. Founder @MentalHealthLge. Talking about tech, startups, and living with ADHD and Bipolar Type II.