MHL is Hiring! Mental health coaches, community manager, developer, and more

Mike Vosters
Mental Health League
4 min readAug 13, 2020
The Mental Health League is hiring!

Love sports? Big fan of helping others? You’re in luck because the MHL is hiring for everything from team coaches to designers.

About the MHL

The MHL is on a mission to make mental health a team sport, giving people the motivation, accountability, and education they need to compete against their invisible opponents. Combining technology with community care, we’re working to bridge the gap between in-person therapy and tech-only apps to provide a new form of effective, affordable mental healthcare.

Psychological Advisors

Part-Time, Remote

We’re looking for psychologists to add to our advisory team. These advisors will help inform product decisions to make sure everything we do is safe, effective, and scientifically sound.

Beyond advising, we need help developing our coach’s training manual, which will lay the guidelines and best practices for how to communicate with and support players within the app, as well as on how to lead team huddles (group calls).

Mental Health Team Coaches

Part-Time, Remote

Just like any sports team, the MHL is looking for coaches to give their players the training and motivation they need to win more games. Coaches should be passionate about getting to know and helping others, with experience in coaching, counseling, or psychology and familiar with sports terminology. To begin, coaches will be responsible for players from a variety of backgrounds, with potential to specialize with specific teams or demographics down the line.


  • Check the app daily and respond to every player’s post.
  • Write 1–2 posts per week that provide education or motivation to the team. Posts will be relatively short — no more than ~4–8 paragraphs — and featured within the app and sometimes on social media.
  • Help us set best practices in the best way to communicate with players, pulling specific examples from the app and writing a quick module that we could use to train others for the future.
  • Informing our development team on the tools and information they need in order to make coaching effective.
  • Lead their team’s weekly huddle — a one hour Zoom call reviewing player’s weekly wins and losses, and setting goals for the following week.

Sportscaster (aka Community Manager)

Part-Time, Remote

Just like any sports league, the MHL needs sportscasters to highlight the top plays, unbelievable comebacks, triumphant wins, and learning from losses. MHL Sportscasters should have a knack for storytelling and familiarity with sports broadcasting and journalism. Their main goal will be to celebrate and engage our players, teams, and coaches – creating storylines from league statistics and player narratives — and drafting new players to join the league.


  • Write 2–3 posts per week to be featured within the app — think weekly round-ups, player of the week interviews, top 10s, pep talks, etc.
  • Create and manage the content for our Instagram and other social media. Plan to post daily.
  • Work with our graphic designer to coordinate asset creation and ensure a consistent design aesthetic — and ideally have basic Photoshop/design knowledge to make asset tweaks along the way.

With your app, send us any past portfolio work along with some ideas or inspiration on where you’d want the MHL to go.

Software Developer (React Native + Firebase)

Part-Time, Remote

We’re looking for a software developer to help us build a best-in-class mental health tracking and community experience. We’re built with React, React Native, and Firebase. Developer should be full-stack and comfortable building cross-platform. You’ll be building some new features along with bug fixes and maintenance; and you’ll mainly be developing alone or with one other developer (me : ) so must be proficient without much guidance.

And last but not least…

Retro T-Shirt Designer / Illustrator

Honestly, it’s a dream of mine to have retro sports style t-shirts designed for all our teams. So if there’s a designer that can make that happen, please reach out asap.

Job Specs

  • All positions are paid, part-time, and remote.
  • Must provide your own laptop and mobile device
  • Be comfortable working in startup environment
  • Passionate about mental health and caring for others

How To Apply

Please email the following to with the subject line: “Job Applicant: {position name}”.

  • Introduction / Cover Letter
  • Resumé or LinkedIn profile link
  • Portfolio (if applicable)
  • Availability and start date



Mike Vosters
Mental Health League

Nomadic entrepreneur, developer, & mental health advocate. Founder @MentalHealthLge. Talking about tech, startups, and living with ADHD and Bipolar Type II.