My Narcissist Taught Me How to Be a Good Person

It’s simple — I just need to be the opposite of them.

That Psych Nerd


Source: Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

I stand on the other side, still alive through the trying times that my narcissist has put me through. The lies that I had been fed for years were finally coming to an end.

I have faced the most challenging days of my life and held firm throughout the dusty storms through this time. Now, I am left with the constant reminder that I am scarred and haunted by my narcissist.

I think back frequently to the times that my narcissist truly impacted me. How their words made me change who I was because I was afraid. That was the key, though, wasn’t it? To keep me afraid? Being afraid causes me to be more submissive to their lies and deceit.



That Psych Nerd

MS in Psychology | Mom of three cats, a puppy, and many plants | That Psych Nerd |