Be Extraordinary, Never Settle For Ordinary!

One learns to ignore criticism by first learning to ignore applause. ~ Robert Brault

Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros
4 min readJul 1, 2019


I never want to settle or strive to live a normal ordinary black and white life; I wanna live a creative life on my own terms! For most of my life, I’ve been living with my emotionally abusive parents and for as long as I didn’t know that this behaviour and life-life examples are of emotional abuse; I would’ve tried to do more to fight for my freedom, and all that matters to me and should matter.

Though for the fact that I figured it out as of March 28, 2018; I’ve been more understanding of what was going on and that it’s not my fault for how they treated me for so many years. Many times I found myself believing that I actually deserved to be treated the way my parents chose to repeatedly treat me for years of my life.

For so long I also thought that I had a pretty decent childhood and years into middle school and high school; but since I became clear that it wasn’t my fault and not right or healthy, therefore: emotional abuse; it’s clear to me that it wasn’t completely all that normal to what any child or teen or young adult even dreamed of living!

Nola: Listen. You can’t let Paul dictate what you want. You have to stand up for yourself.

So at some early point with that, I began standing up for myself though to also point out I stood up for myself even before this moment; when in many arguments and fights with my parents; because deep down I knew I was worth fighting for: an act of self love and giving myself what I truly deserve!

Hey don’t we all wish people saw what we actually were for who we truly are inside and out and not assume the worst of assumptions? I know I hate how people assume way too easily of the worst things and don’t think to ask to clarify if their assumptions they based off of false accusations shouldn’t be believed until it’s been clarified by the actual person being involved.

Not a bad strategy. You never try, you never fail. ~ Nola

Don’t assume, ask because if you don’t, how will you know? If you wanted to know, you’d ask. So really? Yeah these situations may mean that both sides have to do their part: being a two way street. But someone us got to say something and both have to be present in order for both to be heard and to work something out to come out successful with little to no problems beyond this.

Anyway, life comes with risks no matter what and with my life at the point it’s at now; I gotta say: thankfully for my decision (due to circumstances of being told yet demanded and forced by my emotionally abusive parents to end all communication with selling items to people) I’ve ended that and ended my employment with Walmart so both of those have been off my mind a lot less (with not being demanded and forced to follow their stupid “black and white” rules to be accepted and valued as their associate and seller and make them happy but not myself.

Just the exact same that goes with my emotionally abusive parents which I thought Walmart was a place that I could get away from; but apparently I was wrong. One of many main reasons why I chose to end my employment on top of working there in their environment there being too harsh on my health and putting it at risk more than it’s worth the pay check every two weeks (14.35/hour).

Sometimes you need to step outside your comfort zone and take risks to be successful. ~ Chip/ Alex

So I finally stood up for myself and put myself and my health my number 1 priority by making these choices because I knew that it’s the day for me to take back what was taken from me and to aspire to be the person I’ve dreamt of being which Walmart, my parents and customers from Walmart and others took from me to meet their standards!

It was about time for me to put myself and my health and wellbeing first. I need to do this a lot now more than ever! No more doing what people want me to do and to result in their happiness; I need to do things to equal in my own happiness and health benefits!

“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” ~ Stephen Hawking



Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.