
Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros


Change is something that has scared me and in other moments, motivated and made me feel excitingly empowered and energized. And I’m about to go deeper on one path and here it is:

You know there’s some part about opening up my mind that I like but one other part that splits in half: one half feels energized and excitingly empowered and the other feels scared of the part of sharing myself with others, being vulnerable, letting my guard down. And I’m sure most or all of us have this fear when it comes to having relationships of any kind with anyone in our society.

And in conclusion here with this topic, I’m unsure of how to give more power but also in more intelligent and logical, yet wise way with the first side: one that feels energized and excitingly empowered to open my mind in public and share my thoughts, ideas, passions, purpose, dreams and visions with the world!

I have hope that things will get better for me even though for quite some time I find a moment where I feel as though things aren’t much getting in line for me.

But regardless of the feelings I have about that, I know God is making things better for me, liking things up for me to have/live a better life. To have more things that I have been needing:

  1. Social life
  2. Love life
  3. Job change
  4. Earn more money
  5. Move out
  6. Be more “VOCAL” about mental health and my story



Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.