Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros
4 min readSep 25, 2016


Loving Myself and Inspiring The World

For so many years from starting to wear makeup, I had hidden not only my inner and outer beauty, but also my true and real self. For years since I found a picture of Demi Lovato with no filter and inspiring her fans to go bare (natural), I set a goal for myself to work towards that along with improving my face complexion and overall self esteem and confidence enough to have enough courage to go out in public just as the person God made me with no filter and not be ashamed or afraid of what society would say or think about me.

Since a year that it started, I had always cared about what others thought about me dictating and changing my direction every time which ended up choosing the person I ended up being from that. And for years I had hated how society had affected me like that. I wanted to break that barrier, that curse that had always won against me every day. But after trial after trial, nothing changed nor improved in the ways I wanted to from working on that goal of mine.

And as for all I’ve been through with my mental health and low or lack of self esteem/self love, I kept struggling feeling confident and comfortable in my own skin like a great example, Demi Lovato in her Confident music video. Many times throughout my past life, I thought I knew who I was and who I wanted to be but deep down, especially knowing now, that’s not at all the person I wanted to be. At a certain point in working on my goal, I so desperately wanted to change all of my flaws for they had made me feel so ugly inside and out, I felt so disugested with myself for I wasn’t accepting of my own body, personality, and my whole self that God made me as.

Looks and all, I wanted to change them instead of accepting, respecting, understanding and being confident as God had made me. Becuase I just wanted to have naturally wavy or straight hair rather than the natural curly hair that God and my parents gave me. Which has been the reason behind why I have been straightening my hair everywhere I go out in public. Along with feeling more like a part of the person that I wanted to be, look along with working on improving, working on myself to feel that confident, young, beautiful, amazing, talented, happy self that I was working on achieving.

For years I never knew what beauty (beautiful) was supposed to look and feel like. I looked up to celebs like Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycat Dolls (looking at her figure, and wanting to have her figure), but deep down, I shouldn’t look up to someone like her for that reason. I should look up to role models like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Madison Beer, Demi Lovato and others who inspired, encouraged, and idolized the right things in their fans. It took me a while after watching “Penelope” and “Girl Meets Flaws” from Girl Meets World to understand and start using those new knowledge I gained from them to help me accomplish this goal of mine. To understand what true and real beauty looks and feels like. To not change for society but for myself for that’s why I should change a part of myself.

Choosing not to give in to that power from those part of society convincing millions to be someone that they are not. We all need to set ourselves free from this epidemic/issue for it has made us a bad version of ourselves rather than anything that has a good influence on ourselves in result. We all should set our minds to letting our voices be heard to inspire, encourage, and create a better future and a better world for we all know that the world needs to change, so does our future. We should inspire the right, healthy & positive things in the world to create better change for a better world. The world needs and deserves exactly that.

And so lately as of today, I’ve thought long and hard and have decided to continue wearing my natural beauty as God gave me and own it! I’m gonna embrace it as much as I want to and not let nor give in to what society has to say about that. I am who I am and i’m not gonna be ashamed of that girl, soon to be a women that I am. And I inspire and encourage others to do the same. It’s time for us to take off our masks and show the world who we really and truly are under that mask and not have an regrets, second thoughts on doing exactly that. This is our time, it’s our life and our world and we have to make it all what it should be. We can do anything we set our minds to as inspired by both Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber. So what are you waiting for?

Like quoted in Penelope “It’s not the power of the curse, it’s the power you give the curse.”



Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.