Giving Myself The Right Kind & Healthy Love

Self love, Empowerment

Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros
2 min readApr 5, 2020


Since my 3rd depressive episode began, I slowly began to de-practice self love and self care practices and activities. Which began in February of 2018, unfortunately. I wish I had not only noticed the first sign of my depression coming back, and working through it before letting it get worse from there.

Anyway, I can’t change the past, none of us can. And for that fact, I know that what needs to continue happening is: practicing healthy activities in the area/group of self care and self love. Which is examples like these:

  • Taking a bath
  • Journaling daily
  • Being creative daily
  • Keeping my room clean and organized
  • Keeping up with my laundry
  • Writing down anything that is of importance to me: appointments, info, etc
  • Blogging at least 3–5 days a week
  • And much more

These are just some that came to the top of my mind. Oh and plus that also includes selfless acts and activities: socializing with people and showing I care about them (and not just about me), spend time with family, etc.

One thing I wanted to bring up here is that I’ve had issues with my body… body issues. Body confidence, self love. Mental health, self love and other areas around these are still something that is not common like common sense is.

And for how many commercial ads for products, movies, music, etc may give off unhealthy views of how a person should look. Body confidence and image. This quote below says what I’m thinking right now:

“If tomorrow women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think how many industries would go out of business!” ~ Gail Dines



Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.