Mental Health Class Period

It’s education time!

Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros
5 min readJan 17, 2017


When we feel anxious or stressed, our emotions make us believe and act like it’s the end of the world. We stress about failing tests like if we fail, the world ends.

When we are about to face or conquer a fear, we are too easily to go straight to the belief that the world will end if we don’t. Or even the failed attempt(s) define us as a failure, stupid and other labels.

But it’s how we let circumstances, mistakes, events, people and all else in reality define ourselves and our life overall.

It’s about how we look and treat ourselves that defines how we treat others. In order to be kind to others, we have to be kind to ourselves first.

When we are able, willing and open to making changes and understanding what the process in recovery for anything: traumatic, stressful, anxious, depressed, or any emotion or event that can prevent us from healthy, positive change, we are letting positive things in our lives.

  • Positive things happen to positive people.
  • You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.

When we start progressing in the recovery of ourselves, we not only begin to learn things about the experiences but also ourselves.

Rediscovering, recreating ourselves after self destruction or mental conditions like depression, anxiety, panic, schizophrenia, bipolar depression and others including addictions such as smoking, gambling, social media addiction (technology), drinking, etc.

Just know that when it comes to recovering from any mental illness or addiction, it will be a long journey that never ends.

  • Recovery is never perfect, never is anyone or anything in reality
  • Recovery never takes a day off
  • Recovery will have its ups and downs, slip ups and relapses: that’s a healthy and normal part of recovery.

Don’t beat yourself up for making a mistake in recovery. Never compare anyone’s progress to your own. Everyone goes at their own pace, their own way and no official amount of time till you are recovered from your condition or addiction. You will be working in recovery from your mental condition or addiction for the rest of your life.

When it comes to insecurities, we all have been there when we easily become either vulnerable or put our guard up or higher than before for fear of getting hurt. But overall you’re still getting hurt, but yourself. You’re keeping it all bottled up inside, where it only hurts and kills you, rather than anyone doing the damage.

Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)

You know the bed feels warmer. Sleeping here alone. You know I dream in colour. And do the things I want.

You think you got the best of me. Think you had the last laugh. Bet you think that everything good is gone. Think you left me broken down. Think that I’d come running back. Baby you don’t know me, cause you’re dead wrong.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Stand a little taller. Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone. What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter. Footsteps even lighter. Doesn’t mean I’m over cause you’re gone.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger. Just me, myself and I. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Stand a little taller. Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone.

You heard that I was starting over with someone new. But told you I was moving on over you. You didn’t think that I’d come back. I’d come back swinging. You try to break me.

Thanks to you I got a new thing started. Thanks to you I’m not a broken hearted. Thanks to you I’m finally thinking bout me. You know in the end the day to left was just my beginning. In the end.

When we reach the point of loving ourselves to the point where we not only feel self confident, and comfortable in our own skin, we also begin to also do, say, act and be who and what we want without letting what society wants dictate the direction we follow.

As well as noticing when others don’t give us the proper kind of treatment that we deserve as individuals, and do what is needed to remove any kind of toxicity out of our lives.

When we put on an outfit we like, we feel good. When we put on an outfit we love, we feel empowered. – Allyson Allstrom

So when it comes down to this, it begins with you! And as scary as it may be, we are the only ones as individuals who can save ourselves at any point in reality.



Laura Annabelle
Mental Health Superheros

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.