Welcome to Mental Illness, Unfiltered! Mission Statement + Submission Guidelines

I want to hear your stories, even if they’re unconventional.

Tori Morales
Mental Illness, Unfiltered
2 min readDec 3, 2021


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Welcome to Mental Illness, Unfiltered!

I’m creating this publication for two reasons:

  1. In other mental illness publications, I see a lot of good, but I also see a lot of clickbait and content that is only vaguely related to mental illness. I want to create a focused space for candid discussions about mental illness.
  2. Candidly, I’m tired of waiting days to have my articles published by other publications. I want control over my work, and I want to provide a quick turnaround for writers. I believe that you should be in control of your work!

The goal of this publication is in our tagline. Your life, your truth. I want to give you a space to write about your experiences with mental illness, with no filter. If your experience differs from other people’s, I want to hear it. If you have a highly stigmatized illness, I want to hear about it. If you want to talk about the ugly symptoms of mental illness, I want to hear about it.

Sharing our stories is powerful, not only for us but for others going through similar experiences. Mental illness can be extremely isolating, and it’s comforting to hear that, even in the worst times, we are not alone.

I hope to use this publication as a way to continue making the best of my experiences with mental illness. If you’re interested in joining us, see below!

Mental Illness, Unfiltered. Logo.

How To Write for Us

We are listed on Smedian here. Simply make an account and request to contribute!

If you don’t use Smedian, simply leave a comment here with your Medium account tag, and I’ll manually add you to the publication.

After you're added, you can submit your nonfiction articles about mental illness! I want stories that not only recount a personal experience, but ones that tell us something about mental illness that usually remains hidden. Show me the ugly truth. Tell me what you learned from your experiences.

I am a college student, so it may take a while for me to review your article, but I commit to doing so within 36 hours. If I reject your article, I will leave a note telling you why. I invite you to resubmit!

If you have any questions, reach out to me at torimorales1013@gmail.com. I look forward to reviewing your articles!

If you want examples of the kind of work I’m looking for, consider reading my list on mental illness.



Tori Morales
Mental Illness, Unfiltered

Writing about mental health and autism. Sci-fi fan and spreadsheet nerd.