Lisa’s Story: A Diagnosis Of Freedom

Madelyn and Virginia
Mental Mamas
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2016

Lisa lives in Perth, Australia with her husband and 13-month-old son, Hamandishe. She is due with another bundle of joy in March of next year. Lisa is diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, postnatal depression, and PTSD.

To be honest, I don’t even know where to start!

I’m an only child, grew up around a very abusive father, and was sexually abused at 7 years old.

From that age I think I lost my way. My parents split when I was 15, I drank, I slept around…I made terrible mistakes. My lowest point was when I was arrested. Faced with the stark reality that I was going to prison, I was luckily granted a reprieve of sorts.

My lawyer realized that there was something going on with me that I had no control over anymore.

I finally received the help I so desperately needed! I left my ex husband, started anew.

I met my current husband 6 years ago (in a nightclub!) & we dated a little then went our separate ways for a few months. Once we realised that we still had strong feelings for each other, we decided to give the relationship another go.. so here we are 6 years later.

In 2014 I took a pregnancy test & wouldn’t you bloody know it…POSITIVE! 2 months before my wedding!

The pregnancy was smooth, until the birth where everything went wrong. My husband’s brother died 7 days before I gave birth, so not even 4 days after giving birth, my husband had to leave to go to the UK. I hated him for leaving, to be honest. He promised to be here with me. Unfortunately my little bundle had a shocking case of reflux & colic, so he never slept..just constantly screamed. After 2 months I found a new low point. I tried to kill myself. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t be near my son.

I voluntarily signed myself into a mental health hospital (with bub) & just hoped they could help me. Post Natal Depression…the minute I heard those words I finally felt…free. Knowing that what’s going on in my head isn’t the true me. It’s the depression.

It’s been nearly a year since the night I decided to end my life.

What would have happened if I had? I wouldn’t be watching my son walk..I wouldn’t have gone to London (my life long dream).

I wouldn’t be carrying the newest addition to our family.

This is my story…there is so much more to it, but honestly, some parts I’d rather leave behind



Madelyn and Virginia
Mental Mamas

Madelyn and Virginia are friends, mothers, and both battle mental illness.