No More Excuses: Embrace Your Path to Success

Danarius Moore
Mental Medicine
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2023
Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash


Hey there, folks! Today, I want to talk about something that we all experience some point in our lives — excuses. We often find ourselves making excuses for why we can’t achieve our goals or live the life we truly desire. But here’s the truth: when it’s all said and done, there are no valid excuses. Let’s dive deeper into this topic and explore how we can overcome excuses and pave our way towards success.

Excuses are not real:

In the present moment, it’s easy to make excuses. We might blame external circumstances or lack of opportunities, but deep down, we know they won’t get us anywhere. However, when we zoom out and look at the bigger picture, excuses hold no weight. Each one of us has the potential to succeed, not just in terms of financial gains, but by following our passions, goals, and calling.

What is Success:

Success isn’t about flashy possessions or material wealth. It’s about making progress towards what truly matters to us. Whether it’s thriving in our personal lives, building a fulfilling career, making a positive impact on our community, or contributing to the greater good, success is subjective. The only thing that truly matters in the end is how we align ourselves with our calling and mission.

Obstacles are beneficial:

Undoubtedly, life throws obstacles our way. Pain and distractions can slow us down, knocking us off our trajectory. Yet, what separates the righteous from the rest is their ability to rise after each fall. It’s not about how many times we fail or stumble; it’s about how many times we get back up and keep going. Excuses will never be beneficial, no matter the circumstances.

Don’t overlook your surroundings:

One crucial aspect we often overlook is the power of the people surrounding us. Every one of us has individuals in our lives strategically placed to empower and benefit us. Yet, due to our closed minds and inflated egos, we fail to seek their advice or guidance. To progress, we need to open our ears, be receptive, and recognize those who can offer valuable insights and support.

People is the way:

We receive blessings, opportunities, and resources through people. Whether it’s a mentor offering guidance, a friend providing feedback, or a colleague connecting us to new possibilities, our growth depends on our ability to collaborate and learn from others. If we want to level up in life, we must understand that our interactions with people are key.

Pursue your Opportunity:

It’s time to wake up and become aware of the opportunities before us. Take a moment to reflect on the people currently in your life — those who are there for your benefit. They might be the ones supplying you with blessings, support, or valuable connections. The truth is, we can’t achieve anything on our own. Learn to work with people, appreciate their contributions, and keep the right individuals close.


In conclusion, my friends, it’s time to bid farewell to excuses. They serve no purpose in our journey towards success. Instead, let’s embrace the truth that we all have the potential to thrive. By letting go of excuses and actively collaborating with the right people, we can create a path that leads us to a life filled with purpose, growth, and fulfillment. So, next time you’re tempted to make an excuse, remember — success awaits on the other side of your determination. Take the leap, leave excuses behind, and embrace the opportunities that come your way. You’ve got this!

Signing off,




Danarius Moore
Mental Medicine

I talk about psychology and personal development. My theme is to be a catalyst of humanitarian empowerment. Impact. Love. Freedom.