Mental Self
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2023


Taboo Topics: Embracing Pleasure: Unveiling the Numerous Benefits of Masturbation

In the realm of human sexuality, few topics are as taboo or misunderstood as masturbation. Yet, behind closed doors, countless individuals engage in this act of self-pleasure. It’s time to shed the stigma and explore the numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits that accompany this natural and healthy practice.

From stress relief to improved sleep, self-exploration to enhanced sexual satisfaction, the pros of masturbation are diverse and far-reaching. Let’s embark on a journey to unveil the exciting advantages awaiting those who dare to embrace the pleasure of self-pleasure. Giving you the pros not the cons ( because they aren’t any) about masturbation. Cuming from someone that masturbates every night… Did you get the joke or did it shot right past you 😄😄.

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1. Stress Relief and Mood Enhancement:
Life can be overwhelming, and stress can take its toll on our mental and physical well-being. Thankfully, masturbation acts as a powerful stress reliever. During orgasm, the brain releases endorphins and other feel-good chemicals, providing a natural and immediate boost to your mood. This delightful release allows you to unwind, reduce anxiety, and experience a profound sense of relaxation.

2. Improved Sleep:
If you've ever struggled to drift off into a peaceful slumber, consider incorporating masturbation into your bedtime routine. The release of endorphins and the decrease in stress levels can lead to better sleep quality. Additionally, the cascade of hormones released after orgasm, including oxytocin and prolactin, promotes relaxation and facilitates a more restful sleep.

3. Self-Exploration and Body Awareness:
Masturbation is an opportunity for individuals to explore their bodies intimately, helping them learn about their unique desires, preferences, and erogenous zones. By becoming more in tune with their bodies, people can communicate their needs more effectively to their partners, leading to enhanced sexual experiences and greater satisfaction in intimate relationships.

4. Sexual Satisfaction and Performance:
Masturbation allows individuals to explore their sexuality without the pressures or expectations of a partner, fostering a deeper understanding of their own pleasure. This knowledge can then be translated into improved sexual performance and more fulfilling experiences with a partner. By knowing what turns you on and what brings you to climax, you can effectively communicate and guide your partner during intimate moments, leading to increased mutual satisfaction.

5. Physical and Emotional Well-being:
Beyond the immediate pleasure it provides, masturbation offers several long-term benefits for physical and emotional health. Regular orgasms can help improve pelvic floor muscle tone, reducing the risk of pelvic pain and urinary incontinence. Furthermore, the release of endorphins during masturbation can provide relief from menstrual cramps, headaches, and even migraines.

Masturbation, often shrouded in stigma, is a natural and healthy practice that offers a plethora of benefits for individuals of all genders and orientations. From stress relief and improved sleep to heightened self-awareness and enhanced sexual experiences, the advantages of masturbation are diverse and worth exploring. By embracing self-pleasure, we empower ourselves to lead more fulfilling lives, both in and out of the bedroom. Let us break free from the societal shackles, embrace our bodies, and revel in the many joys that masturbation has to offer.



Mental Self

I'm Artmetris a mompreneur that is passionate about writing. I write about everything from business to spirituality, let's connect.