Just tell the story

Abram Johnston
Mental Workshop
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2014

So a part of the reason, or really, a lot of the reason that I’m here, is to share the truth that I’ve learned in the Lord. The Lord has taught me a lot over the years, a lot of really good things, and I’ve always wanted to communicate those things, but never knew how.

See most of the time, I am able to speak these truths into a very specific context. Like ill have a friend come up to me and share something that they are learning, or that they’re struggling with or battling; and I will think of one of these truths and I will present it to them in a way that specifically fits the situation they are in. and it will fit perfectly. That person will be super encouraged or challenged or inspired, “wow that’s exactly what I needed to hear.” I get that from people a lot.

And I like that. I’ve realized that I’m good at seeing where people are at and speaking the direct truth that they need to hear in a way that makes sense to them. It’s something I’m good at, it’s something I like, and it always gets me fired up. In fact I love it! Because when I encourage other people, and I see that they are encouraged, it encourages me. It’s a really cool cycle of blessing.

So that’s good and all, but what happens when I don’t meet with anybody? What happens when no one comes to me with things they are wrestling with or things that they are facing? What happens when my community changes and I don’t have anyone that I just sit and talk to for a long time? I still have my core dudes that I can call and those conversations are always good. But calling is also harder and it’s not as good as meeting face to face. Maybe I just need to be ok with that.

But it still leaves me wondering, how do I speak those truths now? How do I speak them out when no one is coming to listen? How do I put forth these truths when there is no context to put them into? I am very much a contextual person, and my mind works in a way that I understand everything by its context. Whenever I tell stories I always start with the context, and sometimes there’s context to the context and I get a little lost and the people I’m talking to get a little frustrated. “Just tell the story.” well, I guess that’s exactly what I’m trying to learn how to do.

What I’m trying to learn is how to speak truth, how to tell of the things I’ve learned when there is no specific context to apply it to. I don’t know my audience. I don’t know who is listening. I don’t know what situation people are in. but I still feel a need to speak truth. So maybe that’s what this blog, this medium is for me. It’s my attempt to speak truth in a way that makes sense without putting it towards any certain context. I think it’s a good challenge for me; it’s a good learning experience. Because as with the person listening to my story, sometimes the need for context can be binding, it’s actually more restrictive than helpful. I want to learn how to say what I need to say well. I want to learn how to communicate better. I know that using context can be very helpful and a strength to my communication, but it can also be a weakness, and I want to learn how to overcome that weakness.

Another leg in my journey. Writing is so much better when I just let myself be, instead of trying to force it into some mold. I don’t need to worry about how someone will read this, I write for the Lord. I don’t need to worry about context. I can write just to write and enjoy it, and that brings glory to the Lord just as it is. I am learning to just be.




Abram Johnston
Mental Workshop

follower of Christ. husband of my wife. on a journey with the Lord to find Truth