Why seek a mentor?

Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2016

You might have at some point of time in your life consulted a senior or an elder to help you with some of the most important decisions in life. If we look at the life of highly successful people, in every case they speak about their outstanding teachers and mentors who supported them. This is because very rarely has become highly successful without the support of their teachers or mentors.

To do something really big, we really need to learn from and put it into practice what we have learned. This life is actually very short and there are many things to do. So learning based on your own experiences will make us little slow in fast moving life

At times, it’s better to learn from others to achieve something really big. Reading a book can be seen as an equivalent to reading a person’s mind or breezing through his life story. Mentors helps us learn from their successes and their mistakes. It really is one of the quickest way to reach your goal and make it big. It’s not always necessary to reinvent the real. The only thing to do is seek out outstanding mentors who has themselves done what you want to achieve.

Nobody can deny the fact that we are equally competent in our own ways and we all can achieve our dreams. The best way to do so is to approach a good mentor because they help us understand ourselves and show us what we can do.

On the other hand we all have different situations in our lives. We all have our own stories to share and we all have our own pains and sufferings. For many people this changes the possibilities in their life dramatically. So most of us carry all sort of beliefs like we are not capable or we may not be intelligent enough or we may not have sufficient resources to achieve our goals. The fact is when we study great people, learnings from a great mentor stretches that room for possibilities and helps them achieve far bigger goals that they may not even believe was possible in the first place.

Moreover as a human being we all need motivation. We all need inspiration and empowerment. Mentors are always there to help you achieve what we want. The only thing you need to do is follow them, learn from them and implement it as the best you can. So mentoring is an act of making difference. It is the ability to achieve results through people and helps you understand who you are and what you can achieve in a better way. Your mentor will always help you to stand out from the crowd.

So go and get a mentor who you think really suits you. Remember it’s your life and you must do everything to get you there where you want to be. A great mentor is just the right guiding light for your journey to achieve your dreams and goals.

