New in the field of UX/UI Design. How did I start working on a personal project?

Mihaela Beatrice Ipate
Mento Design Academy
3 min readJul 9, 2023
Photo by Edho Pratama on Unsplash

Being a Junior UX/UI Designer I learned a lot about myself, mostly because it was a shift of perspective. A while ago, when I was sure that marketing is what I want and it was a good fit for me, something changed.

It changed when I was on a quick trip with my friend to the seaside. We were in for half an hour of a 2 hours trip when he started telling me about his work. He works as a programmer. As he was telling his story I was thinking “Wow. I wish I was as passionate with my work as he is.”

Then he started telling me about this new and mysterious domain, called UX Design. All of it. It involves psychology and how you are in charge to make people feel good and have their needs met when they are on a website.

This sounded so good to me and was in my head all day, so what do you think I did when I finally got home? I started to dive into the ins and outs of skills, what you need to know, and how long it takes. There are many different opinions and recommendations on the internet, each one based on different types of people, so I didn’t know what to pay attention to.

Because I told this one friend with whom I was on the trip that I started to research a little bit the domain, he helped me. He suggested this magnificent girl’s help: my today’s mentor.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

She helped me a lot. I was so lost and I didn’t know what to choose from all of the material existing out there. She organized my head first, and then the materials. She answered all of my questions and curiosities (for this moment; one of the many things I learned about UX design is that you can’t stop asking questions. Pretty obvious, right?)

So after a while, after she gave me some materials to go through, we found a request for a website with a very specific theme: art history. We are still at the very beginning with this, but I am confident it will be a great accomplishment.

Writing this article helps me acknowledge the progress I made so far and I am also reminding myself how a simple trip to the beach greatly impacted my life. I love the decision I made.

I will come up with a new article soon with the specifics of how’s and why’s of UX Design for someone who is at the very start of this long journey. Maybe there are people just like I am and this may help.

Until then, maybe you want to share your own story on how did you start working in UX Design. I appreciate every comment 🤗

See you soon.

