Gaining Experience as a UX Bootcamp Grad

Shannon Witlox-Morcos
Mento Design Academy
6 min readJun 24, 2023

If you are just out of bootcamp, you may find that you’re lacking the much desired experience that all job ads these days are asking for. It’s a well known problem, and if you have started applying for jobs yet, you may have received emails more than once saying they went with someone with more experience.

But how are you to get experience without getting a job!? I’m here to help you out with some tips to land opportunities to gain more experience before landing your first real UX job (and you may even want to start doing this while you’re still in your bootcamp program!).

Picture showing a group of girls viewed from above sitting in front of a laptop and pointing at the screen.
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Research Local Organizations and Nonprofits

Begin by researching local organizations and nonprofits that align with your interests and values. Look for opportunities where your UX skills can be applied, such as those focused on community engagement, education, or social impact.

It’s always a good idea to activate your own network. You can post something on your social media networks, asking family and friends whether they know of some opportunities or whether they could need a hand in their businesses.

Photo by Evangeline Shaw on Unsplash

Reach Out to UX Communities and Networks

To find volunteering or interning opportunities as a recent UX bootcamp graduate, it’s essential to tap into UX communities and networks. These communities can provide valuable resources, connections, and insights that can lead you to the right opportunities. Start by joining relevant professional groups on platforms like LinkedIn or UX-focused forums and communities. Engage in discussions, share your experiences, and seek recommendations from experienced UX practitioners.

In addition to online platforms, make an effort to attend local UX meetups, conferences, and workshops. These events offer opportunities to network with industry professionals and learn about potential volunteering or interning positions. Be proactive in introducing yourself, expressing your enthusiasm for UX, and asking for recommendations or leads.

Utilize social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to connect with UX professionals and organizations. Follow industry influencers, participate in relevant hashtags and discussions, and showcase your UX work. By actively engaging with the UX community both online and offline, you increase your chances of finding valuable connections and learning about volunteering or interning opportunities that may not be publicly advertised.

Picture of 6 graduates in tobe, holding their caps in the air.
Photo by RUT MIIT on Unsplash

Leverage Bootcamp Alumni Networks

One effective way to find volunteering or interning opportunities as a recent UX bootcamp graduate is to leverage your bootcamp alumni network. Reach out to fellow graduates from your UX bootcamp program and tap into the power of this network. Alumni often have valuable insights, experiences, and connections within the industry that can be instrumental in discovering potential opportunities.

Initiate conversations with your alumni network by attending alumni events or joining dedicated online groups or forums. Share your career aspirations and inquire about any volunteering or interning positions they may be aware of. Alumni who have already established themselves in the UX field can provide guidance, advice, and recommendations based on their own experiences.

By connecting with your bootcamp alumni network, you can benefit from the collective knowledge and resources of individuals who have gone through similar training and have a shared interest in UX. This network can serve as a valuable source of information and support as you navigate your way into the professional world and explore volunteering or interning opportunities.

Picture of an open office space with various people working on computers, walking around and communicating together
Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System on Unsplash

Approach Local Businesses and Startups

When searching for volunteering or interning opportunities as a recent UX bootcamp graduate, it can be beneficial to approach local businesses and startups, particularly those operating in the tech or design industries. These companies often have a need for UX expertise and may be open to offering volunteer or intern positions.

To start, research local businesses and startups in your area that align with your interests and career goals. Reach out to them directly, either through email or by visiting their offices if feasible. Express your enthusiasm for their work, mention your recent completion of a UX bootcamp, and emphasize your eagerness to gain practical experience in the field. By showcasing your passion and willingness to contribute, you can demonstrate your value as a potential volunteer or intern.

Local businesses and startups may be more open to offering opportunities to recent graduates, as they often have a more flexible and dynamic work environment. This can provide you with a chance to apply your UX skills in real-world projects and gain valuable hands-on experience. Don’t underestimate the potential of these smaller companies, as they can offer unique learning opportunities and may be more receptive to your application.

Picture looking over the shoulder of someone who is working on a laptop, showing their hands on the keyboard and the screen of the laptop, with a cup of tea to the left of the laptop.
Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

Go the Freelance Route

If you’re considering taking the freelance route as a recent UX bootcamp graduate, there are several avenues you can explore to find freelance design gigs. One effective strategy is to leverage online platforms and marketplaces that connect freelancers with clients seeking design services. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr provide a wide range of design opportunities, allowing you to showcase your skills and bid for projects that align with your expertise. Be sure to create a compelling profile that highlights your UX bootcamp training, showcases your portfolio, and clearly communicates your services and rates.

Additionally, networking within the design community can lead to freelance opportunities. Engage with other designers on social media platforms, join design-related forums and communities, and attend industry events and conferences. Building relationships with fellow designers and industry professionals can lead to referrals and collaborations that open doors to freelance projects. Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth recommendations and the potential for repeat business.

By exploring online platforms and leveraging your professional network, you can tap into a wealth of freelance design gigs. Remember to maintain a strong online presence, continuously update your portfolio, and actively market your services to stand out among other freelancers in the competitive market.

To Wrap it Up

As a recent UX bootcamp graduate, the lack of experience can be a challenge when entering the job market. However, by actively seeking opportunities to gain practical experience through volunteering, interning, leveraging networks, approaching local businesses and startups, and considering freelance work, you can bridge the experience gap and enhance your chances of securing your first UX job. Remember to stay proactive, network with professionals, showcase your skills, and demonstrate your passion for UX design. With persistence and a well-rounded approach, you can pave the way for a successful career in UX.

My name is Shannon and I am a Mento Design Academy Bootcamp graduate. Are you interested in starting a UX bootcamp? Feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions, or to use this link to sign up if you are already sure!



Shannon Witlox-Morcos
Mento Design Academy

Professional career switcher with a lot of experience in different fields, from hospitality, to academia. Currently settling into UX and UI design.