Websites that help designers make design

Mihaela Beatrice Ipate
Mento Design Academy
2 min readSep 17, 2023
Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

In the previous article, I introduced a selection of books aimed at kickstarting your journey into the realm of UX/UI Design. However, it’s essential to underline that proficiency as a designer truly blossoms through active practice.

And now, I’m here to offer you a handful of recommendations from my personal experience that can make your path to becoming a UX Designer smoother and more rewarding.


Imagine stumbling upon a fantastic website and being curious about how it appears in wireframe form. Well, a nifty website does exactly that — it generates wireframes of websites for you to explore.


With Miro, your wireframe can evolve effortlessly in sync with your creativity. This tool proves incredibly valuable due to its simplicity, providing an intuitive platform for your design journey.


This website allows you to customize palettes according to your preferences, enabling you to select colors and determine their quantities for your design project. The level of flexibility it offers is truly remarkable.


This website is a true gem, offering a treasure trove of app and website screenshots and flows and UI elements. You can download screenshots from this platform and use them as a canvas to challenge yourself in replicating their design. It’s an excellent exercise to enhance your design skills through practical application.

Again, don’t forget to take a look at Mento Design Academy if you are interested in starting a career in UX/UI Design. You can access the link below.

In a while, crocodile!

