The One Tool Every UX Student Needs: An ADHD Perspective

Samantha Sanders
Mento Design Academy
5 min readJul 28, 2023
Welcome to your new mind.

Oh, school days! Remember when life was a bit more structured, and everything had its place? Well, I’ve grown up, the transition to the digital world has been a whirlwind of chaos. My backpack got replaced by a laptop and smartphone, and staying organized suddenly became a complex. Hundreds of tool come out every day telling you they’ll keep you more organized and productive, but most can’t deliver.

Drowning in Digital Chaos

Picture this — hundreds of bookmarks gathering dust in my browser, 90% of which I can’t even remember saving in the first place. And let’s not forget my Pinterest, with a whopping 10,000 pins that have ventured into the black hole of oblivion, never to see the light of day again. Oh, and those countless screenshots cluttering my phone and desktop, all named “screenshot-24526” because, well, who’s got time to rename them, right?

An image of screenshots scattered all over a desktop computer.

And don’t even get me started on the never-ending parade of browser tabs, each one screaming “read me later!” Spoiler alert: later rarely comes, and my poor computer can’t handle the tab overload, leading to the dreaded browser crash.

And yes, I’ve tried copying links to remind myself to visit them later, but it seems even that fails me. My ADHD brain is a sensory tornado, and executive functions like memory and organization often play hide-and-seek, leaving me feeling overwhelmed.

Cracking the Code of the ADHD Brain

Not too long ago, I received an ADHD diagnosis at the of 30, and suddenly, things started making sense. While the human brain processes a gazillion bits of information every second, our conscious mind can handle a mere 40 to 50 bits per second. It’s like trying to fit an elephant into a matchbox — not the most effective system, I must say.

To add to the chaos, my ADHD brain is a big fan of letting in all sorts of “irrelevant” noise, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I can notice things that others might miss, but on the flip side, I’m distractible like a fish spotting shiny objects.

Enter MyMind, My Savior

But hold on, here comes the hero of my story — MyMind! This AI-powered tool has single-handedly rescued me from the digital swamp and brought some semblance of order back into my life.

Now, what sets MyMind apart from the rest is its simplicity — no flashy social features, no vanity metrics, and definitely no ads. It’s like a serene oasis in the desert of digital clutter.

With MyMind, saving valuable information is a piece of cake. A simple click on the browser extension, and voilà! Quotes, images, videos, or entire websites — all effortlessly saved. No need to label, tag, or file them manually; MyMind takes care of the grunt work. It’s like having a personal digital assistant that keeps my life together.

Peaceful Reading Mode

However, the distraction-free reading mode is the cherry on top. Revisiting web pages is a zen experience, free from overwhelming clutter. As a UX student, I’m constantly browsing through Medium articles and various industry blog posts to stay updated, and this feature has been a godsend.

Supercharged Research and Learning

MyMind AI tool organizing thoughts and assets

Ever had that moment when you vaguely remember reading about the top Figma plugins for typography, but can’t find it to save your life?

Fear not, MyMind has got your back! A simple search for “FIGMA,” and ta-da! All related content at your fingertips, no more endless scrolling or frantic bookmark hunting.

And let’s not forget that AI tool I read about last week. A quick search for “LAST WEEK,” followed by “TOOLS,” and there it is, neatly organized by MyMind.

A Haven for Inspiration and Ideas

As I immerse myself deeper into the UX/UI world, inspiration and information overflow. MyMind has become my go-to sanctuary for everything worth saving — projects, books, tools, you name it. It’s like having my very own digital brain, but much more organized!

Guess what? MyMind is not just a lifesaver for my academic and professional pursuits. Even my personal life benefits from its organizational prowess. My 3-year-old twins’ birthday wish lists and random thoughts now have a safe haven in MyMind.

Empowering Career Growth

Thanks to MyMind, I finally have the mental space to focus on the big picture and fuel my career growth. With all my tools, hacks, and resources in one place, skillfully managed by MyMind, I can focus on more important things and leave the rest to my brainy digital assistant.


MyMind brings order to the chaos, leaving me free to pursue my passions and excel in my studies and career. It’s not just an AI tool; it’s a loyal partner on my journey to success. So, if you’re like me and need a bit of zen in your digital life, MyMind might just be your savior too!

The suggestion of this tool contains NO affiliate links, I’m just sharing about a tool I love. If you want to improve your digital clutter, you can sign up for a free trial at MyMind here.

If you’re looking to kickstart your UX Design career and need a helping hand with choosing the best way to transition into a UX role, hop on over to help you at Mento Design Academy. You can book a free call with them in which they will explore if UX design is right for you and if you’d be a good fit for their UX & UI Bootcamp. Stop postponing your career switch and reach out to Mento Design Academy!



Samantha Sanders
Mento Design Academy

Product designer blending marketing/recruiting expertise with a passion for accessible design.