A Transition from Industrial Design to UX/UI Design.

Federico Dal Fò
Mento Design Academy
2 min readNov 30, 2023

Embarking on my design journey in 2015, I immersed myself in Industrial Design, relishing the tactile process of creating physical objects. However, a desire for a broader design perspective led me to explore the dynamic field of service design.

Transitioning into Service Design, I discovered a passion for orchestrating experiences beyond tangible artifacts. Understanding the interaction between actors, environments, and touchpoints became a focal point in creating a holistic user experience.

Further delving into UX Design, I embraced the dynamic realm of digital experiences. Crafting interfaces and interactions, I found a fast-paced avenue to positively influence people’s lives with user-centered designs and solutions.

As the years passed, I witnessed not only my personal design journey evolve but also the broader landscape of society and design. The constant changes in behaviours and technological advancements have reshaped how we approach design. It’s in this dynamic context that I hold a deep appreciation for every aspect of the design field, each contributing uniquely to the ever-evolving world of design.

The shift from Industrial Design:

Embarking on my design journey in 2015, I encountered challenges in Industrial Design — intense competition, numerous talents, and a somewhat stagnant, traditional approach.

Transition to UX/UI Design:

Motivated by the saturation in Industrial Design, my transition to UX/UI Design offered a broader scope, addressing user needs effectively, and enticing opportunities for interdisciplinary exploration.

Seeking Uniqueness:

In the realm of accomplished designers in Italy, particularly in industrial design, saturation led me to UX/UI Design. Its user-centric approach intrigued me, focusing on what people truly want.

Evolving Design Paradigm:

As the design landscape evolved with digital transformation, I observed Industrial Design becoming somewhat outdated, emphasizing the shift towards valuing experiences over possessions.

Abundance of Opportunities:

Researching opportunities in UX/UI Design revealed a dynamic market with consistently high demand, influencing my decision to explore diverse sectors and industries.

Recommendation for UX/UI Design:

In UX/UI Design, I found the chance to carve a niche for myself, leveraging diverse perspectives and skills. This field offers flexibility across industries, allowing me to broaden my horizons and adapt to different challenges.

