survivalpath Pro Tips — Week #4

Mentor Effect
Mentor Effect
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2020

survivalpath aims to shed light on the business-related problems caused by the Covid-19 crisis and how to tackle them. Each week day we hold broadcasts on our Youtube channel in order to bring the best names in the ecosystem to help guide you through these challenging times.

survivalpath broadcast guests for week #4

Monday: Our first guest on our 4th week was Başar Kaya, director of Sabancı SUCool. We discussed how to manage a company in times of uncertainty.

The highlights of the conversation were:

  1. Covid-19 accelerated digitalization and thus will make some things easier in the future. Right now companies are coming up with solutions for wet-ink signatures.
  2. Grant programs were not solutions for startups even without the Covid-19 crisis.
  3. Software is still the preferred area for grant programs; however, the competition is strong.
  4. Companies, which work with startups adapt to the current situation faster than those that do not.
  5. Patents are very important to us in evaluating the projects we receive.

Tuesday: Our second guest was Duygu Öktem Clark, computer engineer and angel investor connecting from San Francisco. We discussed how her portfolio companies got affected from the current situation and what startups should do during the Covid-19 period.

The highlights of the conversation were:

  1. We invest on behalf of companies which would like to continue their innovation processes in collaboration with startups.
  2. Some startups from my portfolio experienced growth through this process while others suffered financially depending on their industries.
  3. even though investors announce that they are still open for new investments, in reality, they are preoccupied with their health and are more focused on providing financial support to their portfolio companies rather than investing in new ones.
  4. Entrepreneurs should keep in touch with each other to share experiences and exchange opinions throughout this period.
  5. Entrepreneurs should precisely identify their target customer and continue operations accordingly.
  6. Customer is the most crucial point for startups. Make sure to ask for feedback.

Wednesday: Survivalpath’s third guest was Agah Uğur, graduate of Birmingham University and former CEO of Borusan Group who has been supporting startups since he left the corporate sector.

Here are the highlights:

  1. I did a lot research and reading about the ecosystem and decided that the best way I could contribute to the ecosystem was to share my expertise in seeing the big picture and management.
  2. There is no place for meaningless optimism in today’s business world.
  3. This is both an economical and psychological test. We are yet to see how big corporations will handle debts, supply chain, manufacturing, and demand crises on a global scale.
  4. The post-quarantine period is critical. We will be faced with anxious and reluctant customers. It is not possible for everything to go back to normal immediately.
  5. Survival is evidently easier for big corporations than small ones. However, startups also have an upper hand in that they are elastic and agile.
  6. My advices for startups: protect your employees, ensure sufficient liquidity, keep close to your customers, decrease costs, stabilize supply chain, and communicate well while doing all this.
  7. I made 16 investments in total in 16 months.
  8. The global pandemic will accelerate the gaming industry. Logistics will become more important than before. We also will see more of telemedicine treatments and systems in our new world.

Thursday: Our fourth guest this week was Ahmet Onur, founder of Kolektif House. He shared with us their journey and how they are managing the Covid-19 period.

Here are the highlights of our conversation:

  1. Kolektif House became a home for startups. Our primary goal is to find the best office solution but over time Kolektif came to be more than that. It is also a place where people can have fun and socialize.
  2. With the outbreak, we had to act fast. We had to make some serious decisions and take immediate precautions. We primarily focused on our action plans regarding health and structure. Then we began creating our contents and creating value for our followers.
  3. Office definitions are changing. We will be evolving our offices with the changing world.
  4. I stick to my routines as if I were going to the office to work.

Key Tips from this week:

  1. Adapt to our changing world.
  2. Future is digital.
  3. Protect your employees.
  4. Stabilize supply chain
  5. Keep in touch with other entrepreneurs

If you would like to contribute to survivalpath email us at

Hazal Ozkan



Mentor Effect
Mentor Effect

In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.