A Daily DOSE of Happiness 1–0–1

Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2020

“Peace is the highest happiness”, say the wise. How do we arrive at a point in our journey of life, where we know how to balance ourselves, heal ourselves and enjoy peace? Our feelings and sensations we experience are interlinked in our body and the “Master Control Switch” is our brain. Neurons communicate constantly with each other through molecules called as ‘neuro-transmitters’. We experience a sense of well-being when the flow of neuro-transmitters are balanced in our brain. The 4 key neuro-transmitters are: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin & Endorphin (D.O.S.E).

The ‘Cortisol Balance Framework’ provides an easy reference guide to help us identify the activities that are key to maintaining a healthy D.O.S.E of happiness. We need to invest time towards these activities on a daily basis by building these ‘healthy habits’ in a pragmatic way in our life. “I have no time” is NOT AN EXCUSE, as STRESS is silent KILLER. A healthy routine will also ensure that our stress levels do not cause chronic conditions that lead to physical and mental imbalance. Stressful activities trigger increased secretion of the stress hormone called ‘Cortisol’. This leads to inflammations in our body that cause various aches & pains that we experience.

How to initiate Positive Change?

“Take ACTION so that the FEELING will change” and DON’T wait for the ‘Feeling to Change to take Action’. It is by applying our knowledge that we can uplift ourselves and others. We can begin by reflecting through Self-Awareness and identifying our triggers and patterns. It also helps to seek out a Mentor who can guide and coach and lead us through the valleys and mountain tops in the journey of life. When our ‘Mindset to Change and Grow’ is developed, we gain the momentum required to propel us further into higher orbit. A positive feedback cycle is set in motion, helping us become resilient and course-correct faster. Our brain’s Self-learning process helps us gain insights that improves our ability to choose a creative response in every situation. This requires us to be calm and mindful, leading us to a beautiful and wholesome life experience.

7 Easy Tips

  1. Adopt a pet (don’t Buy), keep an aquarium, grow a plant
  2. Climb stairs, avoid elevators
  3. Walk around, talk to people, reduce emailing
  4. Go Retro: speak over phone, instead of chatting
  5. Observe Nature. Look outside the window, reduce screen time, avoid binge-watching
  6. Treat everyone with respect, have meaningful conversations with people who help out at home, office, or hotel. Do not ignore these precious people who serve us. Always thank them for their service
  7. Actively listen in every discussion to understand other perspectives.

Reality is subjective. Meaning is derived and does not exist by itself.

Don’t Worry. Be Happy 😊!




mentoring people to achieve their highest potential in life