Getting computers to reach your goals.
In this regular feature, I tell you about the inspiring people that I had lunch with this week. From these people, I learned some useful tips on how to get computers to reach your goals for you!
-Jimmy, CEO of Lunchback
Josef Fallesen
Josef is a very interesting lunch mate because of his broad experience as a successful entrepreneur. He is the co-host behind one of the most popular podcast, Podden. Each week, they choose few business ideas, then invite one of the experts in the domain to discuss the potential of the business ideas. He also runs an interesting club called Workout Party, which organizes a workout activity in a night club setting — DJ included.
Josef has achieved quite a bit of success, considering he is only 22 years old. I asked him, “What is the secret sauce of your success?” He asked me a question in return: “Do you write down your goals?”
It was a good question. As we talked further about this, it struck me that all the little actions you take daily are the actions that will lead you to success. Reinforcing your intentions with the concrete action of writing down goals makes you do things differently. Josef said that he writes down his goals every night, and reviews them every morning.
We had a great talk. I was inspired to try his technique, and Josef was so impressed by the Lunchback concept that he agreed to feature it in his podcast.
I met Nicolas in a Swedish restaurant in city center. Nicolas is a data scientist with a Ph.D. He has deep knowledge of machine learning and pattern recognition, with a science background. I felt lucky to meet him, because the immediate challenge to Lunchback’s growth is to improve our machine learning recommendation system. We want to ensure that we give great recommendations based on the user’s stated needs and their professional history.
We had a discussion about both the technicals and about his own experience as a user. Nicolas has always been passionate about the ‘social graph.’ He outlined a way that Lunchback could build a stronger social graph with a referral feature for personal growth.
Of course, I invited him to continue working with the Lunchback team as an advisor on big data and machine learning. We are looking forward to seeing how we can make it better by working with this top scientist.