How to Make a Paperless Menu QR Code

Mary Butter
Menu Tiger
Published in
10 min readJun 2, 2023

The paperless menu QR code is a digital solution that instantly redirects your diners to a mobile-optimized page where they can find your menu in one scan.

And once they find your digital menu, they can order meals and drinks and pay for them; no need to call waitstaff to get their orders.

MENU TIGER, one of the leading QR code menu software, is the ultimate destination for restaurant owners looking to implement paperless menus with QR codes.

This software can provide you with an all-in-one solution to keep up with the latest technology trends and provide your customers a much better customer service.

Read through this blog and understand more about paperless menus powered by QR codes and how to make them work for your restaurant.

Why a paperless menu QR code software is the best option for restaurants

A 2020 survey revealed that about 52% of restaurants in the U.S. have already switched to innovative digital menus.

And around 2021, Square’s Future of Restaurants report shows 76% of restaurants plan to continue using contactless payment.

Going paperless with a QR code for food menu initially aimed to prevent the spread of microbes through shared surfaces, but today, restaurants do this for more reasons that could benefit them and their customers.

One advantage is the improved customer experience. With a simple scan, customers can access your restaurant’s full menu on their smartphones.

And with new digital menu software, they can now also place orders, pay, and even leave tips for staff. All transactions now happen right on their devices.

Additionally, it allows quick and easy updates; you can easily add new items, update prices, and remove unavailable items without costly reprints, which can quickly add up over time.

Moreover, this digital system is also a sustainable alternative since you would reduce paper usage.

This shows you can save many things with a menu QR code: time, effort, money, and the environment.

How to create a paperless menu?

Providing an exceptional dining experience is key to success, and one way to do so is through paperless menus.

If you’re ready to make the switch to a paperless menu, follow these easy steps:

1. Choose a reliable digital platform

A reliable digital menu platform is critical for a smooth operations and operations. It improves the customer experience, increases revenue, and improves marketability.

When choosing a digital platform for your restaurant’s paperless menu, MENU TIGER QR code menu software should be at the top of your list. It’s reliable and user-friendly, providing great deals and benefits for your business.

MENU TIGER offers customization options to tailor your digital menu design, menu QR code, and landing page to fit your restaurant’s branding.

Additionally, MENU TIGER ensures that your restaurant’s transactions are safe. Customers can choose from different trusted payment platforms: Stripe, Paypal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

2. Create and design your menu

Start by deciding the categories and items you want to add to your menu. Ensure to include all the necessary information: food descriptions, prices, ingredients, and potential allergens.

Remember that your customers will be viewing your menu on a screen, so make sure the font size is easy to read and the layout is user-friendly.

Adding images of each menu item is also wise. Aside from helping customers order better (and faster), it can also increase sales by about 30%, according to a Grubhub study.

3. Generate and customize your contactless menu QR code

Look for a QR code menu software that allows you to generate a free menu QR code using their platform.

With MENU TIGER, there is no need for a third-party app or software to generate your QR code. Instead, the software allows you to create and customize your digital menu’s QR code.

After generating your QR code with MENU TIGER, start customizing it: Change its color, frame style, and eye design, add your logo, and provide a call to action for better branding.

4. Test and refine

Before launching your QR code-based restaurant menu to customers, test it thoroughly. Check if it’s working seamlessly on all devices, from smartphones to tablets.

It’s also wise to test it on devices with different operating systems, like Android and iOS.

Have staff members try it out and provide feedback. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure a smooth and user-friendly experience.

5. Launch and promote

Once you are confident that your paperless menu is ready, it’s time to launch it. Promote it on digital and print platforms so more people will see it.

You can post about it on social media, place a sign in your restaurant, or even discount customers when they use the paperless menu.

Benefits of using a QR code menu software

Restaurant owners must constantly improve their operations, services, and customer experience.

And one way to achieve this is by using digital menu software. We have here six benefits of a paperless menu for your restaurant:

1. Cost-effective

Printing paper menus can be expensive, especially if you must reprint them every time you make a change. But if you go paperless, you can cut costs, reduce waste, and save money.

A digital menu lets you easily update your menu items, pricing, and other information without printing or design costs.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about the expenses of disposing of any expired menus.

2. Enhanced menu flexibility

A digital menu provides a convenient way to update and adjust their offerings.

This enables them to feature daily specials, seasonal dishes, or time-limited promotions without the hassle of reprinting menus.

Additionally, a digital menu permits them to tailor their menu offerings according to customer tastes, ingredient availability, and industry trends.

Overall, choosing the best QR code for the restaurant menu is wise for restaurant owners seeking to keep their menus fresh, relevant, and customer-oriented.

3. More efficient business operations

Paperless menus enable a streamlined process where customers can quickly place orders. Once they do, back-of-the-house staff will receive the orders and prepare them immediately.

This improves communication and collaboration between the front-of-the-house and kitchen staff, leading to faster and more efficient food service.

Restaurant owners who use a paperless menu solution often experience improved inventory management, reduced order processing times, and improved cost control.

4. Upselling and cross-selling opportunities

Upselling and cross-selling are marketing techniques designed to increase your restaurant’s revenue.

With a digital menu, you can integrate upselling and cross-selling seamlessly. By providing suggestive selling, restaurants can increase their revenue and gain customer loyalty.

According to the Hubspot Blog survey around 2022, more than 500 sales professionals say suggestive selling can increase revenue by up to 30%.

5. Multilingual and accessible options

A digital menu’s multilingual feature is a great way to reach customers who speak different languages.

You can easily incorporate various menu language options, letting customers easily navigate the menu in their preferred language.

This can reduce misunderstandings and improve communication, resulting in a more pleasant experience for the customer and the server.

Catering to a diverse customer base isn’t just about language; you can also provide features such as adjustable font sizes, text-to-speech functionality, or high-contrast options.

These features can make all the difference for customers with disabilities, allowing them to easily read and navigate your menu and, ultimately, enjoy their dining experience.

This small but significant act shows that you value your customers and can make them feel more comfortable and at home at your establishment.

6. Improved customer experience

A paperless menu offers a sleek and intuitive interface that makes it easier for customers to find particular items.

With just a few taps on their tablet or smartphone, customers can navigate through a digital menu, filtering by dietary requirements or searching for specific dishes.

This streamlined approach enhances the customer experience and allows for faster table turnover, increasing the potential for revenue generation.

7. Health and safety considerations

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of health and safety considerations in the food industry.

Traditional paper menus handed out to customers can pose a health risk as they can carry germs and viruses.

Using a paperless menu reduces the need for physical contact between staff, customers, and objects, ultimately optimizing the restaurant’s health and safety efforts.

8. Data collection and analysis

A paperless menu solution can collect customer data that can later be analyzed to develop insights into customer behavior patterns.

Restaurant owners can use this data to optimize their operations by understanding customers’ preferences and improving their marketing strategy by promoting the most popular dishes and drinks.

9. Environmental sustainability

The food industry continuously strives to improve its environmental impact by reducing its carbon footprint. One way to achieve this is by eliminating paper waste.

Going paperless helps restaurant owners to reduce their carbon footprint by eliminating the need for paper menus, thus contributing to environmental sustainability efforts.

MENU TIGER: The right software for creating a paperless menu

How do QR code menus like MENU TIGER streamline your restaurant operations?

QR menus are an innovative solution for restaurants, and with MENU TIGER software, restaurant owners can create digital menus that can provide them with excellent benefits.

Here are some of the excellent benefits that MENU TIGER offers:

1. Customer-centric and commission-free

At MENU TIGER, the focus is on the customer. The platform is designed to make the ordering process as easy and seamless as possible, with no need for application downloads.

What’s more, it’s also commission-free, which means you get to keep more of your hard-earned revenue.

2. Fully customizable

MENU TIGER puts you in control of your digital menu and contactless menu QR code, whether the color, font, or you want to incorporate your restaurant’s logo into your website and QR code.

With a fully customizable design, you can create a menu that perfectly reflects your brand and image, making it more appealing to your customers.

3. Easy to update and manage

Furthermore, MENU TIGER software allows instant menu updates, making adding new items, changing prices, and modifying menu descriptions easy.

This feature can save time and money, as restaurant owners no longer need to reprint menus whenever a change occurs.

4. Supports multi-location

MENU TIGER also allows restaurant owners to track customer orders and preferences, which can help improve their menu to provide better customer service and make informed future marketing decisions.

5. White-labelling

MENU TIGER allows white labeling; you can add your restaurant’s logo and use your fonts and colors to make it unique and coordinated with your brand.

Further, you can gain ownership of your domain name, which makes it easier to showcase your digital menu and solidify your restaurant business branding.

6. Provides dayparts

This feature helps you promote specific menus at different times of the day or week to maximize your sales opportunities.

For example, you can promote brunch and lunch menus on weekdays and dinner menus on weekends.

Further, you can set food items’ availability or use the visibility feature to hide certain items if unavailable.

7. Intuitive order and revenue analysis

MENU TIGER provides an intuitive order and revenue analysis feature that helps restaurant owners access essential insights about their business.

This feature allows one to monitor sales in real-time for better management, trace best-selling items and those that are not performing well, and create promotional strategies based on customer behavior.

Best practices for using paperless menus

Here are some best practices and how to overcome potential challenges while using paperless menus through QR codes:

1. Make sure the QR code is visible and accessible

Print the QR code clearly and in high quality, then put it in easy-to-spot places. Examples are table tents and posters on glass windows or walls. You can even add them to your social media posts.

The code should be in an easily accessible location so customers can scan it with their smartphones quickly.

And to improve accessibility, you can include short instructions for scanning the QR codes. This will surely help customers who are unfamiliar with them.

2. Ensure the QR code is scannable

If the code is scannable, customers may become more satisfied and encouraged to use paperless menus again.

To ensure the code is scannable, use a high-quality image and test it before printing it out.

3. Have a backup plan

Despite the many benefits of paperless menus like PDF menu QR codes, sometimes it might fail to work due to factors like unstable Internet or device compatibility.

As a restaurant owner, it’s essential to have a backup plan, such as providing a physical menu or tablet menu as an alternative.

4. Keep the menu simple and smooth to navigate

Keeping a paperless menu simple and easy to navigate is essential to give customers a faster and more efficient ordering experience.

Customers should be able to immediately find what they’re looking for without clicking through multiple pages.

Consider using categories or sections to help customers find what they’re looking for faster.

5. Update your menu

Keeping the menu up-to-date is crucial to ensure customers have the most current information about the items in your paperless menu.

If a menu item is unavailable or the price changes, update the paperless menu immediately. This will help ensure clarity and satisfaction among customers.

Revolutionize your restaurant with the best QR code for the restaurant menu software

QR codes in restaurants have become increasingly popular by offering a safe, convenient, and efficient way to view menus and place orders.

And with MENU TIGER software, restaurant owners can revolutionize their businesses and enhance the dining experience for their customers.

This software provides an easy-to-use platform for creating and managing, allowing restaurant owners to display their menu items in an organized and modern way.

Sign up with MENU TIGER. Streamline your restaurant operations through the fantastic benefits it offers for a very affordable price.

