Hacktoberfest — Week Four

Mera Gangapersaud
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2018

It is the last day of Hacktoberfest and hopefully everyone has gotten all their Pull Requests up. I finished up mine just a couple days ago.

As I mentioned in my last blog, I’ve come to have a better appreciation for fixing up documentation. They may not necessarily be challenging but I shouldn’t just discount them. That being said, the goal for my last PR of Hactoberfest was not to fix more documentation. I just happened across the issue.

I was looking into Microsoft’s editor, Monaco because it came up in class and I got curious. And as I was looking through the contributing docs to see how to set it up I realized one link was a bit wonky. It took me to the right page but not the right section. I found my way to the section I was supposed to be in and was about to move on but then I thought: wait. That’s something I can fix.

And I did.

My Hacktoberfest stats

This month has been a wild ride. I started out thinking I was not a genius, what could I possibly have to contribute? But guess what… I am not a genius, but I’m still getting that Hacktoberfest t-shirt. I’ve learned a lot of things about myself along the way as well:

  • I am a curious person and that’s what fuels my drive to learn.
  • I am a passionate person and that’s what drives my will.

Failure was my kryptonite. I tended to get extremely discouraged when I failed to do or learn something. So I had avoided the chances of failure at all costs. But then I started to delve into open source projects and hit a ton of road blocks, as is to be anticipated. Thankfully, I can be stubborn to a fault when I want to be. So I kept on going and didn’t let those road blocks stop me.

I mentioned before that the If Me issue I had intended to tackle this month has been taking me longer than I anticipated. That’s because of a couple of reasons: I’m learning everything about Ruby and React almost from scratch; time constraints from other responsibilities make the time I would need for this not reasonable within the scope of Hacktoberfest.

If this was me from a month ago, I would honestly have stopped trying. But this is me now and I have every intention of fixing this IfMe issue and more. I hope to see you all for Hacktoberfest 2019.

