Take the leap of Faith

Revati Bhagchandani
Merak Ruhe
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2020

I’m sure all of us engage in a deep thought with ourselves or a conversation with a significant other about love and relationships. While some people seem to have mastered it and are able to sail in a sweet boat with their loved one, there are others who are caught up in a tornado they don’t comprehend. Some are sitting at the shore looking at this whirlpool of feelings and emotions, probably thinking of ways to help those caught up inside, or mostly just promising themselves that they’d never swim in this ocean. But as fear of missing out strikes, they decide not be left out at the shore forever. So, they build rafts. With all the love and courage, they have, they build rafts, and take the plunge into this ocean. While in the ocean, they meet many people and share their rafts with them. However, nobody is able to stay with them for long. Those who came on board, knew exactly what the problem was. But the rafters could not see it. Love for their own rafts made it difficult for them to introspect. The problem with these rafts was that they were so small, they could only fit one person on it. At no point was it possible for two people to comfortably share it. Unaware of the truth, the rafters held grudges and blamed the people who joined them, for their loneliness. They were blind to the truth because they had entered the ocean with preconceived notions. They had promised themselves that they would never get caught up in the tornado and so what they don’t see is that the problem is with their raft and not with those who came on board. Some of us who are caught up in a pattern of no strings attached relationships need only break our strong convictions about the ocean and its people. When we are able to do this, there will be enough room on the raft for two people to travel long enough until they reach a shore and build a boat.

Take that Leap of Faith.



Revati Bhagchandani
Merak Ruhe

I want to keep sharing my thoughts and insights here as I go through life.