Douglas C. Dueño officially entered Merculet Global Team

Merculet Media
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2018

Merculet Global has officially announced a new colleague on June 6th- Douglas C. Dueño. Acting alongside with the CEO and a key member of Merculet Global, Douglas will immediately integrate into Merculet’s core blockchain projects and assist the CEO of Merculet with global speeches and subsequent international roadshows.

Douglas comes from America and is experienced in the advertising and financial consulting industries. In the past 13 years, he was active in new business contracts, exchanges and cooperations between China and the United States, and has served more than 30 international brand customers, which lays a solid foundation for him to enter Merculet.

He previously held the position as the Product Director of Asia-Pacific region in Sizmek Company, formally known as DG MediaMind. During his tenure, he realized that the digital advertising within China’s vertical websites have incorporated different advertisement measurements and needed standardization. In 2011, he accepted the invitation of IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and contributed the rollout of IAB implementation throughout China and actively engaged with Baidu’s BES, Adexchanger, and AdChina.

Before Douglas entered Merculet, he held positions in one of the China’s largest customer relationship management consultancies, WEDO as well as the world’s largest independent financial consulting company — deVere Group. He and his team provided professional B2B investment consulting services and marketing technique solutions for global premium luxury brands like Bottega Veneta, YSL and BVLGARI and also for automobile companies like Benz, BMW and Chrysler. Meanwhile, he is the acting vice president of GLVCBC, together with the president of the Environmental Protection Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai to promote cross-border development between Chinese enterprises and those in Los Angeles, providing opportunities and consulting service for Chinese companies oversea marketing implementation. Douglas has a passion for social entrepreneurialism and has is personally connected with various entrepreneurs and multinational executives.

“In my past career experience, I’ve kept contemplating the social responsibilities and exploring the social architectures that creates more efficient, equal and transparent business models.“ Douglas said, “Within the trend of blockchain, my personal goal has coincidentally coincides with Merculet’s vision. ”

Merculet team is looking forward to Douglas’s arrival, and the team believes his rich enterprise resources and interpersonal connections could facilitate global internet companies to embrace blockchain and develop business. Merculet hopes Douglas can work with the team and create a blockchain world bases on its own technology.

Talent Recruitment

More experts in the blockchain industry are joining Merculet and they will be the indispensable part of Merculet’s globalization business and the pioneers in our Grand Navigation Plan. We are very much looking forward to more brilliant people with respect for user value and belief to blockchain in areas such as product develop, engineering, system operation, and business development. If you like Merculet, and believe that Merculet is trying to complete the mission of changing the world, please send your resume:

About Merculet

Positioned as the Chief Growth Officer of Global Entrepreneurs, Merculet is committed to helping Internet enterprises achieve tokenized operation quickly through out-of-the-boxturnkeysolutions, creating more quality products for companies and users, and redefining production relationships.

As a portal for millions of Internet companies, billions of internet users, and budgets worth hundreds of billions of dollars to enter the era of blockchain, Merculet hopes to work with global strategic partners to restructure the entire Internet’s traffic before fully realizing distributed commerce.

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