Entrepreneurship: Have we truly started the Golden era in 2018?

Merculet Media
Published in
7 min readDec 5, 2018

The world we live in is crowded with super heroes. They are the ones who don’t indulge themselves in the simplicity of comfort zones but dive headlong in their original goals and purposes and pursue unswervingly as if winter was coming. Although a majority of these individuals cannot escape from deaths clutch during their infancy moments of entrepreneurialism — they regret nothing — still changing the world by their power. They are labeled as “fools” by many.

Last week, an article called, “The End of the Golden Era of Entrepreneurship in 2018” went viral on the internet. Its ending had summarized, “The golden 10 years for mobile internet in business startups came in as giant flows of waves and fish, but that end is now.”

Some expressed their views as the year 2018 was the toughest year they’ve ever witnessed. There were similar concerns that were already echoed from 2017. And again, we found this situation reoccurred almost every year that passed, 2016, 2015, 2014 and so on.

Tough as it is, these “Fools” will never throw in the towel.

We did have rough times during the whole year of 2018. It’s easier to say than admitting it. But only when we survive this year can we have the right to admit how rough the year was.

With a market packed with cutthroat competition from businesses and internet titans that display their monopoly assertiveness, countless paths lead to failed channels and less active customers, what path should we follow in the future? Many people have strayed away in confusion while others are struggling to keep their businesses afloat.

What is certainty is this: entrepreneurs are sitting on the crossroads of a critical pivotal moment, which represents an entirely new revolution will occur in the near future.

In this new cycle, will there be a way open up channels to activate traffic?

Will it be possible to engage with every user who agrees with the shared vision of the business to unite and become a stronger influence of companies?

Is there a new way to transform users to become the mouthpiece of brands, thus creating to a win-win scenario where people and companies can grow together and go through the hard winter with determined efforts?

In a new business form, enterprises should upgrade their way of thought, from traffic to super users and to building the ecosystem together. Trust, which is the essentially the significant demand between both enterprises and users can be achieved by blockchain.

It is not to say that blockchain is the only remedy to the new cycle, but it is the most promising one so far.

The fact that blockchain is the most promising answer to the new cycle brings an entire new corporate world to life.

Blockchain is a technological structure, woven into the fabrics of a community culture and produces an ideology.

Unlike traditional start-up models, blockchain-based start-ups represent an open organization under the principles of consensus, co-construction and sharing. Traditional models use confidential business plans to win support from investors and encourage shareholders to operate within the company by issuing dividends, bonds, or equities. Currently, it’s unsurprising that the last half of businesses that practice this model is having a hard time of sustainability. Some companies are inevitably on the verge of being squeezed out of the market.

As Blockchain represents a technological structure, this technology can validate that token offerings are publicly available and tamper-free as well as extended on large-scale cooperation on the basis of mutual trust happens in a good faith.

Blockchain is woven into the fabrics of a community culture. Blockchain brakes the boundaries of traditional corporation system that otherwise becomes ambiguous in terms of trade and transactions. The ecosystem represented by a blockchain project is not only subject to supervision by global communities but also accepts global communities as its think tank.

As a rational beyond the logic is emerging in the new era, the opinions of Blockchain can be translated into uniting as many related people as possible, breaking all previous bottlenecks of business models and participating the ecosystem and building the system together.

According to Merculet, only this understanding can save the existent business world from chaos. This potential chaos would arise from missing the priority and relieve the pain by sharing the internet where hundreds of opportunities can flourish together. In other words, the understanding of Blockchain is like a map of the 28 constellations in the sky guiding us through the uncertainties.


In the new cycle where hundreds of followers bloom together, engaging in new forms of business worldwide has become exceedingly simple.

Ivan Jiang, the CEO of Merculet, who jokingly labels himself as the Fool has devoted himself into blockchain. He often says, “what an awesome age it is!” Entrepreneurs have taken the opportunity and listened to his speech are over-exceedingly excited that they often couldn’t sleep at night. “His voice has been lingering in our heads” many entrepreneurs said after involuntarily listening to his speech.

Under the concept of blockchain, star-up calls for more ecosystem builders to contribute their labors, strengthening the whole ecosystem together. Token serves like work points to prove contributors’ effective workload and intimacy, allowing them to share the fruits of labor.

The implementation of blockchain is not that complicated. Ranging from transforming the traditional marketing model to establishing the super membership system, you can cooperate with a bunch of contributors whose faces you may never see but who share strong consensus with you, to complete the reconstruction of the ecosystem of the field you choose.

The process featuring consensus, co-construction and sharing can’t be intervened by existent giants with monopoly power. Because the whole new battlefield has natural barriers for them as they are dragged down by company valuation and shareholders. And this is the greatest chance and power this age has given us.

Merculet hopes to solve a specific and realistic problems through its hard efforts: helping companies transform their thinking model from traffic-focus to super users-focus. And making sure users and companies build the ecosystem’s future together by building the users’ community.

Thanks to the joint efforts by Merculet and many excellent Allies, the right of defining the world is given back to entrepreneurs, and the internet where hundreds of millions of business opportunities have once again reopened, thus making global business easy and smooth!

Many people don’t understand what blockchain is, thus using it in a wrong way. In fact, it is really simple. Merculet’s attitudes can be summarized as followed:

Let the government worry about state-owned businesses that belong to the government, banks follow other banks, and Merculet take care of those belonging to entrepreneurs.

Merculet will retain the positive part of blockchain to make it serves both companies and users better.

Blockchain-based system requires more contributors father than short-term interests.

That’s why crystalized token operation was brought up. It’s a trust mechanism based on codes, which is publicly available and tamper-free. It can naturally segregate bad behaviors while keeping compatible with future upgrade. In this sense, crystalized operation stands as not only a solution to achieving sharing economy, but also a best tool to rally users around companies.

It surprises us that a series of successful cases were born in such a bitter winter: one content e-commerce acquired more than 27,000 users from single one user after using crystalized operation. And that happened when their product wasn’t even launched!

And there are more good news:

One pet e-commerce increased its daily active user by 30% because users strived to make crystals even when there is not much interests and rights to exchange with it.

A sports APP, once launched, obtained 2 million users within only three weeks, adding 1 million users in the fourth week.

Crystalized operation

As the proof of users’ effective contribution to the system, crystals were only circulated in consortium blockchains. It can’t be transferred on to the exchanges nor be listed by any exchange. It supports the consensus, co-construction and sharing of the community under the guidance of blockchain thoughts.

Users will do a variety of contributions in accordance with the conduct standards designed by operation staff to gain crystals. And the actual value crystal has can also help companies connect their values and complete exchanges among them, thus making them closer partners.

The crystalized operation based on blockchain technology will become the optimal solution which can help companies erase obstacles and build their brand ecosystems. It is the key to the door leading to next golden era, an era that needs our joint effort to open.

The show has just begun

The armed doesn’t bother to care about ups and downs but devote themselves to build their skills and weapons to prepare themselves for the next waves. Despite all the winds and rains, there are always bright stars in the dark to guide the entrepreneurs, which so happens to be our permanently robust confidence and courage.

However, it takes more than confidence and courage to build our strength in the winter. A handy weapon is also necessary. Crystalized tokens are the super weapons designed by Merculet for entrepreneurs in this new era.

Tentatively, we can call this spear that is cast to the new world Crystalized tokens.

Let’s embrace the crystalized operation and the understanding of blockchain and embark on a golden era for entrepreneurs where hundreds of millions of businesses can bloom together!

