Helen Deng Takes the Position as the GM of Merculet (South China) and CEO of Global Ecology Partnership Programme

Merculet Media
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2018

Helen Deng joined Merculet as the GM of Merculet (South China) and CEO of Global Ecology Partnership Programme.

(Helen Deng, GM of Merculet (South China) and CEO of Global Ecology Partnership Programme)

Helen has held executive positions in major companies such as China Development Bank, Huawei, and Framedia. In 2013, She established the Shenzhen Pai Sen Bai Commercial and Trading Company. She is also known as the co-founder and CEO of China’s first sharing e-commerce platform — youzhipai.cn which has seen the completion of Pre-A in January 2017 with an estimated value reaching 100 million RMB. Owing to her rich experience in various businesses and creating her own career, Helen has equipped herself with knowledge and managerial expertises. When she was studying for her MBA at Nan’Hai Business School, an affiliation with Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, she was taught by distinguished scholastic entrepreneurs. Her days in the business academics has not only enlarged her horizon but also facilitated her in building a rich network. She has made acquaintances with elites including professors, business leaders, marketing experts, technology pioneers, organizational leaders, and senior directors of business associations. With her background in strong networking capabilities, Helen is known as the Queen of Contacts. Why did she decide to join Merculet?

“The Blockchain industry is developing by leap and bound, but we have seen some incidents where speculators tried to manipulate the system. Merculet is one of the very few platforms that apply Blockchain technology to empower the real economy. Currently, Merculet, as the image of the most advanced productive force, is re-constructing the industry and creating new business models. I don’t want to miss the chance to disrupt the monopoly situation and to change BAT into traditional companies. I am very pleased to join Merculet, and I hope to work with the entire team and use my experience in making contributions to the realization of the Internet of Things.”

Helen stated: “My in-depth communications and collaborations with businesses in southern China and companies from other regions, I have learnt the difficulties and challenges that companies are facing under the downward pressure of economy. Merculet, however, can help companies in finding new ways to stimulate growth by building new, Blockchain-based legal operation systems,” she continued, “So far, Merculet has launched three products — Gaas, Simplet, and the Open Platform, which can build a complete ecology for companies. For various ecologies, they can realize mutual growths and benefits through Merculet’s platforms, so as to achieve faster and more significant model of growth. Therefore, we need an ecology partner to prepare ourselves, to reorganize resources, and to serve Blockchain-based companies.”

The Global Ecology Partnership Programme aims to cater global companies, communities, and IPs by applying Blockchain technology and uniting the best resources. As the CEO of the Programme, Helen hopes to fully utilize her experience and network to attract the most influential elites and to achieve the best results. The partners who joined the Programme are not just outstanding entrepreneurs but also leading figures from various industries. Standing at the crossroad where the old is being replaced by the new, Blockchain technology is bound to trigger more profound changes in many fields. Anyone who wishes to become a winner and leader in this era must accelerate his or her steps to build layouts and build ecologies with companies that can represent the most advanced productive force. A global real economy would be the ultimate application of Blockchain technology.

Helen has accumulated rich experience from various industries and has developed a sound set of team management skills. Her joining in Merculet would significantly enhance the company’s globalization and platformization. More importantly, Helen will lay a sound foundation for Merculet to integrate high-quality strategic resources with which Merculet will build the strongest alliance for Blockchain technology to find its application and provide various, safe, and reliable services to companies. Besides, her acute senses for spotting new businesses and strong abilities to control resources will make Merculet even more powerful.

We believe that Helen will bring more possibilities to Merculet’s globalization and the building of ecologies.

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