Merculet announces strategic partnership with 0chain


Krypital Group
3 min readMay 9, 2018



Merculet is pleased to announce its strategic partnership with 0chain today. Merculet positions itself as the Chief Growth Officer to serve worldwide entrepreneurs. Merculet and 0chain will partner to build a community of interests for developer and users by token-based operation, construct global developer communities, share the resources without boundaries. Merculet and 0chain are committed to blockchain growth worldwide. Merculet opens the doors to thousands of apps which can explore decentralized storage through this exciting partnership. More details about in-depth cooperation will be released in future as this exciting partnership develops.


0chain is a self-forking, zero-cost, sub-second finality blockchain protocol. Through its well developed ground breaking protocols, which include 2D-BPoS consensus, self-forking, fast storage, and economic protocols, 0chain provides fast, flexible and free decentralized cloud service to IoT (Internet of Things), dApps, web apps, and enterprise apps.

Merculet and 0chain team meet at Los Angles Crypto Summit.

今年2月中旬,零链在没有任何大牌风投以及没有任何市场营销的情况下,就获得数千万美元的融资,堪称奇迹。2018年世界加密货币经济论坛上,在一个两分钟的Token商业计划竞赛上,零链团队首次公开亮相。此次活动,使得零链项目获得的关注迅速增长。短短三个月以来,零链已与数十家客户达成合作;通过零链团队——尤其是其商务联合创始人Atif Yaqub先生的不懈努力及其人格魅力,零链已在全球范围内建立一定知名度和影响力。

Without any famous venture capital support and marketing promotions, 0chain is being credited to a miracle that it secured tens of millions USD financing in mid-February 2018. In the 2018 World Crypto Economic Forum, the 0chain team made its first public debut on a two-minute token business plan competition. This event brought the rapid growth of the 0chain project.In a short span of 3 months after launch, 0chain successfully conducted agreements with dozens of clients. Through 0chain team, particular through its business co-founder Atif Yaqub’s unremitting efforts and charming personality, 0chain has now established its worldwide awareness and influence.


In two weeks’ time earlier, 0chain had received a pledge from aToken contributor. The contributor initially invested only 200,000, then gradually increased to 5 million US dollars, and even intended to contribute more than 10 million. But 0chain chose to stop accepting its investment in the pre-sale stage, because this not what the founding team want: A single contributor dominates the entire investment pool.

Currently, 0chain’s contributor come from more than 100 countries and will contribute to 0Chain projects in different ways.


Merculet positions itself as the Chief Growth Officer to serve the entrepreneurs worldwide, providing Internet companies with solutions that grant them ready access to token-based operations. Even in the absence of prior knowledge and coding of blockchain, companies can start their tokenized operations in one day with simply a few parameter configurations required. Moreover, thanks to the trust-free blockchain system, each company would be able to be linked and integrated with its peers in the same blockchain ecosystem.

近日,作为被CBinsights评为全球前五的区块链VC — — 分布式资本(FenbushiCapital)宣布正式战略投资Merculet,基于此次投资和对Merculet的认可,分布式资本管理合伙人沈波也将因此担任项目战略顾问。

Recently, ranked by CB Insights among the Top 5 blockchain venture capital Firms in the world, Fenbushi Capital officially announced its strategic investment in the innovative blockchain project Merculet. In view of this investment and in recognition of Merculet’s vision, the managing partner of Fenbushi Capital, Bo Shen, accordingly acts as a strategic adviser of Merculet.



This strategic partnership will accelarate the creating of Merculet’s brand new ecosystem.

At present, Merculet’s strategic cooperation in international cooperation is steadily advancing. We welcome any country or any city with local resources or interested intent partners to contact us. (email:

Find out more about Merculet

Find out more about 0chain



Krypital Group

Founded in 2017, Krypital Group is a leading global venture capital firm and blockchain incubator. Our website: