Merculet Bi-Weekly Newsletter-Phrase VII

Update: Aug 4, 2018 — Aug 17 ,2018

Merculet Media
7 min readAug 17, 2018


In the past two weeks, Merculet team has focused its emphasis on the landing and application blockchain technologies at the Japanese Fintech Summit and BeeStore Worldwide Bolckchain Developer Forum. The team discussed the landing plans of the application of blockchain with leaders and elites from financial and block chain development fields in Japan. Meanwhile, Merculet has been rewarded for its inclusive project thinking and insight through exchanges with influential and active people in various fields. The team has integrated and improved existing products while being dedicated to blockchain growth solutions in regards to providing the best quality for enterprises.

- Product Development Progress -

GaaS Beta 1.2.0


1. Design Optimization

Optimized the design of existing GaaS platform operation, aligning functionalities consistent with the enterprises habits, and enabling the platform with easy to operate and practical navigations;


1、Logic Optimization

Enterprise Entry GaaS Procedures

· Canceled the system of invitation code, lowered the registration threshold of enterprises, and permitting more enterprises the opportunity to access to and experience the operation with authentication;

· Advanced Pass-through Issuance and the guidance of the enhanced platform, enabling enterprises to quickly create a pass and complete the deployment of the pass-through operating environment.

· Join the SDK/JS linkage testing mechanism to effectively improve enterprise docking and operational efficiency;

2. New Function

General Certificate Issuing Configuration: The binding of Simplet can now be realized through the page of general certificate management

3. Function Optimization

Operation Tools:The tools of authentication operation for service enterprises in the platform are optimized in an all-inclusive way, including event management and operation management, as well as effectively integrating the tools and resources and simplifying the operation of enterprises.

Simplet Beta 1.0.4


  1. Problem Solving:

Version Iteration:Optimized the upgrading logic of versions, fixed the problems from previous versions that caused unable to receive the update reminders and failure to update completely after receiving the reminder.


  1. Function Iteration

Asset Detail Pages:The certificates on the asset home page is linked to the enterprises’ pages of users’ rights and interests, users can view the pages of the details about asset that can be operated by users including corresponding tasks, rights and interests and application of the certificates by clicking the certificates on the asset home page. Currently, the 50% of the product design progress has been completed.

2. Functional Optimization

Account Login:Account login is revised, besides supporting SMS verifiable codes, login through passcode has been added. Presently, 30% of the product design progress has been completed.

3. Problem Solving

Influence of Network Condition:Optimized the page condition and operation instruction while the network is weak or disconnected, helped users quickly recognized and solved problems while using the product.

Open platform: Beta V1.01


  1. Basic Preparation

API Interface:The project that has been docked with currently, directly embedded with the configuration in Simplet, in the future, there will be more open and independent H5 page module, compatible with the product pages of different enterprises with one key.

2. New Rights and Interests Specification

Period of Membership Cards:BesTV members’ rights and interests have new choices of specifications — currently, weekly cards, monthly cards, quarterly cards, biannual cards and annual cards are supported. Enterprises and users can now enjoy greater freedom while using.

3. New Module Function

Modules of the Exchange of Rights and Interests:Rights and interests exchange module has been completed. If there are new rights and interests accessed, apply the module to get rights and interests online with one-key. Exchange is also supported, improving the convenient performance of the open platform.


  1. Access of rights and interests

Various rights and interests:There are many types of new rights and interest interfaces, pre-paid phone cards, reading cards, e-membership cards, e-coupons and physical items are being accessed and put on the shelf. After successful docking, rights and interests exchange will be supported. There are already membership card modules of the channel of mainstream video membership cards, in the future, there will be access to mysterious discounts.

- Technological Upgrade Progress -

Starting from this biweekly issue, we will provide you with the progress of Merculet technical team’s updates of the bottom functions and application layer support.

Bottom Functions

1. Payment Backstage

· System: Obtain through multi-terminal user system

· Block: Optimize fabric block logic

· Configuration: Increase RPC transfer design

· Speed: Increase the interactive speed of fabric composer

· Design: optimize users’ asset design

2. Asset Withdrawal

· Server: Physically isolate cloud withdrawal requester and wallet signature program with offline wallet architecture for increased security

· Data: Optimize log record, ensure the traceability of data and rollback of operation

· Safety: Encrypt with GnuPG to increase the safety of information

Bottom Layer Support

1. Wallet

· Deposit Withdrawal: Realizing deposit withdrawal based on Bridge

· Function: The function of red packet is added, synchronous increase of the safety of network communication

· Network: Optimize network connection on the basis of okhttp

· Design: Standardize and adjust the style of the interface on the basis of mobile design

- Community Activities -

1. On August 8th, Merculet team has participated in the Summit of FinTech Impact Tokyo 2018, had in-depth communication with local forerunners and developers, education and scientific research elites of financial and blockchain application and development fields

The 3rd FinTech Impact Tokyo 2018 Summit was organized by Nikei BP and IDG, inviting the high-level personnel of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Financial Service Department of Japan of the governmental functional departments as well as lectors of various well-known banks, securities and consulting companies and forerunners of companies like IBM and Merculet in blockchain application and development field. Participants discussing the landing and application of block chain technology in finance and other fields in the future in an in-depth way. Ivan Jiang, CEO of Merculet, shared with everyone how “to build the strongest blockchain landing force”. After the summit, various local enterprises showed their intention to cooperate with Merculet Japan. Meanwhile, Ivan also engaged into in-depth communication with high-level staff of Financial Service Department of Japan, deepening the understanding of the policy trends and supporting measures of relevant departments of Japan while laying a solid foundation for the business expansion in the Japanese market in the future.

2. August 9th participated in the closed-door meeting for Beestore Global Blockchain Developers in Beijing and discussed with developers the APP distribution and application landing project.

Global Business Director of Merculet, Keyness (Cheng Hui) was invited to participate in the closed-door meeting for Beestore Global Blockchain Developers in Beijing, and the participants of the meeting were mainly developers from investment banks, exchanges, applications and media industry of blockchain, all of whom were quite influential in the industry. Keyness shared the blockchain solutions of Merculet, emphatically introducing the open platform plans that were released recently, his business empowerment, ecological governance and value sharing concepts were recognized by all. Many showed their intention to join the open platform ecology of Merculet and build the era of applying blockchain 3.0 with Merculet.

BeeStore is the application store that focuses on blockchain and encrypted currency. Beestore is also a member of Merculet’s enterprise ecological alliance, and it has realized efficient user operation and community management through Merculet’s authentication operation plan.

3. On August 14th, in-depth communication with activists from the financial and Internet fields in Shanghai.

In Shanghai, Merculet team had an in-depth communication with activists in the fields of finance and Internet technologies. The team engaged in blockchain technology and enterprise application sharing exchange, discussed the opportunities and trails brought about by blockchain technology to entrepreneurs. Douglas C. Dueño shared his insights in “Enterprise Increase Solution” and was highly recognized by all participants, many of whom showed profound interest in how to realize enterprise growth and rapidly form ecological effect more effectively. Many participants discussed with Merculet on specific business docking matters on the spot and hoped to join hands with Merculet to construct an open, fair and high-quality blockchain ecological environment.

Recently, the Merculet team focused on the iterative update of products, communication with enterprise users, and the implementation of the program. The team has maintained a high-speed operation. In the follow-up, Merculet will gradually carry out a series of activities for the promotion of B-side and C-end users. The marketing department colleagues are in the process of preparing for it, and will soon meet with you.

Having said that, in line with the principle of “reporting important things three times”, we once again express the great demand for small partners who have experience in market operation and understanding of blockchain technology. I hope there are more such people. Join the Merculet team and build a blockchain 3.0 era, and quickly throw your resume over it~

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