Merculet Successfully Helds Its First Close-door Product Conference Focusing on New Growth Method for the Internet of Value

Merculet Media
Published in
5 min readJun 24, 2018

On June 23rd, Merculet, the Chief Growth Officer of Global Entrepreneur, held a close-door product conference themed as “Creating Possibilities into Realities”. The attendees included broad range of founders and senior executives of innovative Internet companies and media specialised in Blockchain technology. The conference turned out a successful platform for all parties to conduct in-depth discussions over how the Internet of Value will shape new growth methods for companies.

Merculet announced its new plan, deeming token-based operation as the most advanced productive force in the near future.

At the conference, Mr. Ivan Jiang, CEO of Merculet, shared his vision of Blockchain and raised the notion that the development of Blockchain technology will foster new opportunities for companies to generate growth. He believes that Blockchain technology is disruptive and will overturn the existing productive relations, and token-based operations will become the most advanced productive force. Token-based operations will facilitate companies, developers, service providers, and users to establish a trust mechanism and participate in the building of a win-win ecosystem. Mr. Jiang encouraged all companies that wish to embark on the Blockchain business to embrace token-based operations.

Apart from sharing insights, Mr. Jiang also introduced new plans and full-package solutions that Merculet offers. Some products were introduced at the conference, including GaaS platform and Simplet (STP) wallet which were previously launched on May 11th. The Open Platform is nearly ready to launch online. As for the future, apart from companies and users, Merculet plans to design products that will meet the practical needs of community operations and KOL users.

Practical experience from and Beestore

Merculet Alpha went online on May 11th. Since then, plenty of companies are about to be connected to the network. The committee of the conference invited Mr. Tony Chen, General Manager of — China’s largest e-commerce and service platform in the pet industry, and Mr. Robbie Jiang, founder of the world’s first distributive Blockchain application store — Beestore to share their stories and insights about token-based operations.

Mr. Chen said, “This year marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of, and we are standing at the gate of our next decade. As China’s largest e-commerce and service platform in the pet industry, we hope to join hands with Merculet to create the first Blockchain in China’s pet industry. After the launch of Boqii Token (BQT), we saw an increase of 30% in users’ daily activeness. Token-based operations have changed the way of interacting with users and integrated users and us into a community with a shared future.”

Mr. Robbie Jiang said, “Merculet, as an engine for growth solutions, is dedicated to facilitating community-based enterprises to achieve fast self-growth. Token-based operations spare us the many efforts to carry out R&D and to optimise our products. Building an ecosystem with Merculet will attract more traffic to the platform and ultimately boost growth.”

The debut of a new function of Simplet (SPT ) plus CPR “Red Pocket”

At Merculet, product and technology teams are updating and optimising products continuously, and there has been significant progress. Mr. Jax Zhu, Supervisor of Products of Merculet, demonstrated a new feature of Simplet (SPT )— Community Operation Module. Through the new function, Mr. Zhu sent out a limited amount of CPR (Creating Possibilities into Realities) tokens to each audience. 99 CPR tokens were sent in total. CPR token holders will enjoy various privileges including priority for using new functions and participating in online or off-line activities.

Merculet is to launch the very first practice-level protocol — MRC511

Mr. Shenjun Zhang, CTO of Merculet, unveiled the company’s MRC-511 standard. Currently, ERC20 is the dominant protocol based on which many companies and individual users issue tokens on the Ethernet. However, due to unstable costs and low efficiency of trade, certifications difficulties, and unclear values, users cannot use the tokens in large scale or to meet practical needs. Mr. Zhang said, “MRC511 is a set business level protocol designed to help companies to issue tokens that are credit-based, easy to manage, exchange-friendly, cost-free, and instant-responsive. Additionally, MRC511 token will help companies to adopt token-based operations more quickly and to form new productive relations with users.”

Under the umbrella of MRC511, rather than developing interfaces, companies can issue business tokens through interfaces provided by Merculet. Besides, Merculet also offers full business-level access to API which can be quickly and securely integrated to existing applications so that token-based operations will be achieved more efficiently.

In the post-Internet era, entrepreneurs of all countries face two common problems: traffic monopoly and unworthy channels. Token-based applies Blockchain technology and provides a brand-new operation method. As the gate to the Internet of Values for Millions of Internet enterprises, billions of Internet users, and hundreds of billions of USD budgets, Merculet wishes to forge ahead and to cooperate with like-minded partners around the world to restructure Internet traffic and to ultimately achieve the landing of distributed business models.

