The Mercury Midsummer Spruce-Up: cards, navigation, loading speeds, and more

Mercury HQ
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2020

Earlier this year we launched our brand new Cards page; we’ve already made it a little better.

Nicknames for debit cards are now live. You can call your debit card Facebook Ads, Big J, Elon, or whatever else feels right. To edit your card’s name just head to the Cards page, select the card, and click More Options.

We’ve also hidden canceled debit cards from your dashboard. If you’d like to show your canceled cards, click the settings icon next to Card Status.

While you’re on the Cards page, you can always create, replace, or cancel debit cards (physical or virtual). You can also freeze your card, set transaction and ATM limits, or change your card’s PIN.

Here’s other news from Mercury:

⏱️ 2x faster loading times

The Mercury dashboard and iOS app now load about 2x as fast. You can start a payment in the time it used to take our dashboard to load.

If you’re curious, you can read about how we made these improvements in this thread by Max, our CTO.

📣 Low balance alerts

We’ve added balance alerts that will send you an email when the balance in one of your accounts dips below your chosen threshold.

🔎 New navigation

We’ve tidied up our dashboard navigation. The bottom-left menu now gets you to documents and settings, and the bottom right question mark gets you to support.

📈 Grow Like Notion

If you’re thinking of scaling a Growth function at your startup, you might be interested in the recording of our live chat with Jamie Quint, Head of Growth at Notion.

Jamie and Immad cover what you should look for in your first growth hire, how to experiment with new growth channels, ways to structure a growth org, and a whole lot more. Check out the talk here.

Series Tea: a podcast for startups

Have you caught an episode of Series Tea yet? Our CEO, Immad, talks to the greatest entrepreneurs and investors in the world and somehow forces them to have tea with him — live on air.

You might like our recent episode with seed-stage investor, Semil Shah. We talk about how to raise a round in a recession and why he passed on investing in Clubhouse.

Feel free to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Youtube.

⏭️ What’s next?

New updates to our iOS app are on the way. If you haven’t yet downloaded the Mercury app, you can find it in the app store.

We’re also working on something special for August. We think you’ll like it.

Have any questions? Send a note to

The Mercury Team

