Colt Henderson
Mercury Press
Published in
5 min readFeb 14, 2022


My Apartment

After binge watching zombie movies I got ready for bed. I took a refreshing shower, brushed my teeth and put on my plain blue pajamas. The zombies, fresh in my mind, made me laugh at the absurdity of how slow and non-threatening they usually are. "How are they a threat when they can’t even run," I thought to myself, "I prefer the ones where they can run and sort of strategize." I climbed into bed, loving the cool sheets, while positioning my pillows. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep.

I awoke when a loud noise exploded outside my apartment. It was still dark outside, but I could see flickering light. I threw back the covers and quickly walked to the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. The warm night air blasted in my face as I opened the balcony door. I stepped out onto the cool concrete balcony floor and immediately saw multiple fires.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the firelight something hit my apartment building. I fell backwards, into my bedroom, just as the sliding glass door shattered. I scrambled to my feet and rushed back out to see what happened. Jets flew by overhead and I could see them releasing bombs on the city.

The explosions lit the ground surrounding my building and what I saw made a chill run down my spine. There were hundreds of people pouring through the alleys and swarming the other people in the street. I could see the blood stained ground through the gaps in the horde. I almost threw up.

I froze. I didn’t know what to do. The horde of people started going into the surrounding buildings. The screams echoed up to my ears as I watched the horde slowly disappear. The ground was littered with bodies that laid in a connected pool of blood.

I could now hear the chaos in my building. I ran to my front door and looked through the peephole. I saw my neighbors frantically trying to get into their apartments. They kept looking back towards the stairs. I could only assume what they had witnessed. And it didn’t take long before I saw what was scaring them.

The petite redhead that lives across from me did not get inside in time. The door opened, but she was rushed by several people. She tried her best to close the door, but she was small and there were four of them. Their clothes were covered in blood and it was dripping down onto the white carpeted hallway floor. Their erratic feet were smearing the blood into the floor.

I was thinking about going to help, but before I could raise the courage, her door was wide open and they were crowding her body. She was on her back and they were ripping into her flesh. Her screams banged against my door as she tried to call for help. This didn’t last long. One of the bigger men stopped ingesting her breast flesh and sank his teeth into her throat. Her screams turned into gurgles, then stopped altogether.

More of the deranged people stormed through the hallway. A few stopped at my door and began beating on it. The one right in front of my peephole had chunks of flesh missing, an eye hanging out of its socket and a white, glassy eye. The other eye, besides being white and glassy, was devoid of life.

I started to worry that my door wouldn’t hold for very long. As I leaned my back against it I scanned my living room for something to barricade the door. The bookshelf caught my eye first, but I didn’t know if I could move it by myself. I tried to think, but the continued beating kept interrupting my train of thought.

I ran to the bookshelf and started throwing everything to the floor. When I had it cleared and started to pull it towards the door I heard a crack. And then another. I turned to look just as the first blood covered person pushed through my door. As he struggled I pulled the bookshelf even with the door and pushed it over. There was a loud crunch and howl.

I didn’t stay long enough to find out if the bookshelf did much damage. I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door. I then ran to my nightstand. I didn’t even bother taking the things off of it. Instead I yanked it up which made my alarm clock and lamp fly into the wall. The nightstand didn’t weigh much so I looked around for something heavier. As I started to walk my dresser towards the door I heard the unmistakable sound of my solid oak bookshelf fall to the floor.

They are in my apartment! I loudly thought at myself. I was only half way across the room with the dresser. I put everything I had into running my dresser up flush with the door. I succeeded, sort of. As I dropped the dresser, a putrid hand shot through the newly cracked bedroom door, and kept a small inch broken seal. The one hand was soon accompanied by other, blood caked limbs. It was not long before the limbs turned into bodies and the first shoulder. Next came the head of the one I saw through the peephole. His once hanging eye was now gone.

I ran into my bathroom and fastened the door shut. I looked for anything available to put in front of the door, but besides the fixtures and trash can there was nothing that could be used to barricade the door. I panicked and pulled the shower curtain rod down, which broke it. I decided to try and use it as a weapon.

I learned quickly that when there are at worst, half a dozen drug crazed people, no regular bathroom door is an obstacle. The one dead eyed freak rushed me. I tried to stab him in his one good eye with my broken curtain rod. He quickly dodged the would be weapon and lunged. I landed on my back and the delusional man dove for my neck. Once his foaming mouth bit down into my flesh I woke up.



Colt Henderson
Mercury Press

Most of my stories are dark, but I practice the things I can not do well. I am not good with dialog.