Self-Publish Verses Publications

Which is better or does it even matter?

Stacey Lynn Klug
Mercury Press


Photo by Blair Fraser on Unsplash

I am in that experimental phase of Medium. I am trying out publications and trying to see some results. I am pretty new here so like I said this is all experimental. I will have to be honest when I say I don’t notice any difference either way. I've had some stories that I self-published perform better than articles that I submitted.

I do love submitting to publications though because I love some of the writing prompts they provide. I have noticed results from time to time. I am just wondering if it is even a factor at all. I know the publications I write for are amazing publications. I am in no way blaming my mediocre success on them.

I may need to work on my craft. In fact, I am sure that is the major contributing factor. I could be choosing the wrong tags. I am the least arrogant writer you may ever know. I stay humble because I know I still have so much to learn.

I haven't completely flopped. I am not discouraged. I do still self-publish at times then later may submit to a publication that allows self-published pieces.

The things I noticed that is working to my advantage is I publish one way or another a lot. I also engage a lot authentically so I seem to have some loyal followers. I also seem to be building a…



Stacey Lynn Klug
Mercury Press

Writing has always been the very breath that substains me,