Mercuryo Sales Department: An Inside Look

Mercuryo Hare
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2020

Mercuryo continues its series of materials dedicated to the company’s internal business processes. In this interview, we are going to look at one of the most important aspects of our work. Finding new customers, explaining to them how Mercuryo works and coordinating the process of installation is the job of Arthur Firstov and Dmitry Pustovalov.

What does a representative of a client company ask to show first?

Depends on the position of our lead. Our main goal are C-level executives and business developers. These guys interested in terms of the fees, geo, Mercuryo partners, the success rate. Sometimes the first connection is made through developers, so you’d know all technical aspects regarding your product.

What makes Mercuryo attractive for cryptocurrency exchanges?

One stone gets Mercuryo partners a lot of birds.

We offer a seamless solution that enables fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat options via bank cards (Visa and MasterCard). Mercuryo operates worldwide, the UX is superb, KYC success rates are super high and we are far superior than other providers in the speed of transactions.

Is it true that you can’t go far with formal relations only and it’s always better if you know the founder of the client company personally?

Deadlines on deadlines are typical for our market. The huge amount of the personal contacts definitely works better than no contacts at all. What’s also important in order to establish good relations is your time management because each partner might be in a different time zone. Rapid interactions during the stages of implementation of Mercuryo to the platforms of client companies allow you to develop good relationships with your clients online. Of course, we are not ignoring the importance of offline contacts, too.

Are clients from Europe and Asia different when it comes to business communications?

We both work in the multicultural social environment. Partners from the Asian region are characterized by a high level of management; we like working with them. European partners, in turn, are well-versed in legal and regulatory matters.

What would you recommend to your colleagues in other crypto enterprises if we talk about product promotion for B2B?

You should combine passion, drive and hard work with strong sales skills. It’s a must. Your ability to empathize with the client can give you a number of ideas to improve the product offering.

In the end, why do crypto companies make their decision in Mercuryo’s favor?

We believe that Mercuryo has the best proposal on the fiat on/off ramps market now, so it really depends on the business goals of the company and customer relationship level. The main advantage of Mercuryo is our low cost of implementation, and partners can quickly install our solution. These two factors make Mercuryo payment gateway a competitive product.

What’s the feedback you hear from clients who use Mercuryo payment gateway and Mercuryo Widget for a long time?

Our long-term partners are impressed with our growth rate and the speed with which we acquire and develop relationships with key partners. Companies that work with us are also aware that Mercuryo is always in touch with the latest market trends, supports the development of other businesses and various strategic initiatives.

How long does the integration process usually take?

The process looks as follows: starting steps — a few things connected to due diligence (Mercuryo’s anti-money laundering or AML policy) — contract signature — the integration of Mercuryo — a full-fledged go-live launch.

Usually it takes only one business week, but the partner can set a preferred launch date.


Now you know how things work in our Sales Department. Share this material with your friends, comment and read another interview related to our Customer Support department!

