Community Update: Mercury Channel Changes

Mercury Protocol
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2018


When we first launched our community channels back in the Summer of 2017 we had an outpouring of interest flowing through Slack, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and LinkedIn. Collectively our community expanded to ~10,000+ curious Mercurians, all of whom helped to shape the foundation of our project. We shared our vision to build the future of communications on Ethereum blockchain and many of you participated in the GMT Launch Event, for this we are eternally grateful.

Our community channels allow us to speak directly with those who care about Mercury Protocol the most: YOU. This dialogue has proven invaluable over the past few quarters, and we have not only gained insights but also gained friendships and partners for the company as we grow.

What is most important to us is to develop and deliver the product described in our Whitepaper. We spend considerable resources managing our channels, mainly because our approach has been one of openness, but unfortunately this openness is often exploited which degrades the quality of our channels for all participants. So it’s time to put our heads down and stay focused on the task at hand. In order for us to build a robust decentralized social network that creates meaningful interactions (via GMT Rewards), we need to operate like a traditional software start-up and allocate our scarce resources in a way that best achieves this mission.

As a result, we are restructuring our community channels to ensure a more productive conversation is possible around our product and developer efforts with limited interference from people concerned only about profit, exchanges and speculation. By April 13th, 2018 we plan to close our Slack and Telegram community channels, and convert r/MercuryProtocol to announcement-only in favor of increasing project throughput. See below for more details.

What’s changing?

By April 13th, 2018 we plan to close our Slack and Telegram community channels, and convert r/MercuryProtocol to announcement-only. We will continue to post regular updates on the announcement channels (Slack/Telegram), Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and we encourage you to reach out to us via email and blog.

Why are we doing it?

To better manage our limited resources and increase project throughput.

When are we doing it?

These changes will be reflected by April 13, 2018.

Where to reach us going forward?

Check out our FAQ or Email:

Is GMT a scam or dead project?

No. We are alive and well! Our headquarters is located in Los Angeles, CA. Feel free to drop us a line if you’re in the neighborhood.

Our Responsibility

We are aware of common blockchain community practices and agree that transparency is critical, which is why we want to be upfront about the matter at hand. The proceeds from the GMT Launch Event are meant to be used on the development of the product described in our Whitepaper. Thus, we need to be responsible with our limited resources and focus the team on business critical elements such as Engineering, Product Development and Partnerships.


We hope you recognize that the company and the team are not going anywhere, in fact, we’re doubling-down our efforts to execute on our roadmap.

Finally, if you are an application developer or product manager interested in early adoption of Mercury Protocol, shoot us an email at and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest developments.


The channels below will be announcements-only starting April 13th, 2018.


Learn more about the Mercury Protocol
Read the Mercury Protocol whitepaper
Follow +mercuryprotocol on Dust

