The Reducing Online Conflict Community (ROCC): Insights from Abuja Workshop and Road Ahead

Alia Thorpe
Mercy Corps Technology for Development
4 min readMar 4, 2024

In the complex terrain of the digital age, the Weaponization of Social Media emerges as a formidable challenge, impacting communities both online and offline. In turn, the intricacy of this challenge necessitates a coordinated response — one that transcends sectoral boundaries and embraces the complexities of our interconnected world.

In response to this multifaceted issue, the Reducing Online Conflict Community (ROCC) was designed as a space for collaboration and strategic response, bolstering existing partnerships in the digital peacebuilding space. By facilitating cross-sector convenings and breaking down silos among stakeholders, the ROCC creates a space to explore and address the complex dynamics of resilience and response to online drivers of conflict.

By emphasizing open pathways of communication and fostering collaboration, the ROCC enables stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to pool their expertise, resources, and perspectives. This concerted effort is essential in developing comprehensive strategies to mitigate the dissemination of hate speech, misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, as well as to counter the divisive narratives propagated through social media channels. As such, the ROCC occupies a supporting role in connecting diverse stakeholders through a digital peacebuilding lens in an era marked by unprecedented challenges posed by the Weaponization of Social Media.

Abuja Workshop: An Ecosystem of Perspectives

Many of the participants and facilitators of the ROCC workshop in Abuja

The learning event greatly enabled collaboration, systems thinking, new experiences, and the generation of new ideas. The interactive nature of the event, coupled with the diverse perspectives shared, facilitated a rich learning environment that encouraged innovative thinking and a holistic approach to problem-solving.

— Anonymous ROCC Attendee

The Reducing Online Conflict Community (ROCC) recently convened its inaugural workshop series in Abuja, Nigeria. We believe that takeaways grounded in local and regional contexts can significantly impact on and offline conflict on a global scale. That is why this convening was a significant milestone for the ROCC as it marked the first of many in-person workshops that will make up a larger global community of actors.

The workshop in Abuja served as a convergence point for approximately thirty individuals representing twenty organizations, each offering a unique perspective deeply rooted in the Nigerian context. Spanning from social media platforms and advocacy groups to local CSOs, journalists, fact-checkers, influencers, and international NGOs, the diversity of perspectives in the room underscored the multifaceted nature of the online conflict landscape.

ROCC attendees and facilitators participating in collaborative exercises during the three-day workshop

Under the facilitation and design of our partners at Reos Partners, workshop sessions were designed to emphasize collaborative principles and learning. Through scenario analysis and stakeholder mapping exercises, participants engaged in targeted discussions aimed at dismantling silos, building trust, and nurturing an ecosystem approach to addressing and preventing on and offline conflict.

Charting the Course Ahead

Looking ahead, the ROCC aims to capitalize on the momentum generated during the workshop. Volunteers from the workshop are poised to convene and collectively generate outputs, including position papers, sets of best practices, and advocacy briefs, the first of which are slated for finalization in the coming spring.

Furthermore, the nascent vision for the next iteration of the ROCC is taking shape, characterized by strategic planning and expansion considerations. The insights gleaned from our collective journey will serve as invaluable compass points as we navigate this evolving landscape.

“ROCC City” made after a collaborative exercise involving building blocks, visualizing the multifaceted nature of the Weaponization of Social Media

Concluding Thoughts

With a steadfast commitment to collaboration and collective action, the ROCC endeavors to navigate the complexities of online conflict and foster a more resilient digital landscape.

The recent ROCC workshop in Nigeria stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, collective knowledge, and shared commitment to a vision of online spaces characterized by resilience and inclusivity.

We extend our sincere appreciation to all those who contributed to the participatory process of the ROCC, from the insightful advisors and champions within Mercy Corps to the meticulous facilitators at Reos Partners. Crucially, we express our gratitude to the diverse array of participants and members whose collective contributions enrich the ROCC community.

