Text that reads ‘how AdeptID Achieves Data Exports in Minutes with Merge’

How AdeptID Achieves Data Exports in Minutes With Merge

Aaron Lu


Critical Need

A faster way to pull data from different HR, payroll, and ATS systems. Was previously accomplished over months.


AdeptID pulls data from 60 different HR, payroll, and ATS systems in minutes — not months — with Merge. That’s hundreds of operational hours (and dollars) saved.

About AdeptID:

AdeptID is a Boston-based machine learning company providing models to identify and support talent, primarily in the workforce without college degrees. Their API makes it easy for any talent or Future of Work product to access their algorithms in a clean and intuitive way. With AdeptID, customers can better understand real employment outcomes and apply them to job transitions or reskilling efforts within their own organization.

Text that reads ‘build apps for job seekers workforce development, and talent management’

The Data Pulling Problem:

AdeptID’s machine learning approach depends on referencing real employment outcomes to better understand the profiles of individuals who could successfully transition careers. The company accesses this data through employers and training providers across HR, payroll, and ATS systems.

Historically, accessing data involved manual data pulls, which required a lot of cleaning and standardization before the data could even be utilized. This in turn required a lot of cleaning and standardization before the data could be used. Because of these points of friction, AdeptID experienced longer waiting periods between collection outcomes and making recommendations, as well as inefficient costs: all directly impacting their ability to expedite their product. This point of friction would slow the loop between collecting outcomes and making recommendations: costing AdeptID more money to achieve their product goal.

Enter Merge

By integrating with Merge, AdeptID immediately integrated with HR, payroll, and ATS platforms like Workday and ingested normalized data from those systems.

Now, a process that took months processes data in a matter of minutes. Merge’s Unified API solution supports AdeptID as they onboard their solution to leading energy, IT, and healthcare companies. AdeptID can increase sales with confidence knowing that they won’t have to blame unsupported integrations.

Here’s how AdeptID explains to its own customers how it works with Merge:

A flowchart that shows how AdeptID’s data flows into Merge to achieve integrations

Why AdeptID Loves Merge

  1. Operational Hours + Dollars Saved — AdeptID has saved hundreds of operational hours by having data from different HR and payroll systems processed through Merge in minutes.
  2. Selling With Confidence — AdeptID is able to expand to new markets and land more sales without the worry of unsupported integrations. Merge offers over 60+ integrations and adds more every week.
  3. Security First — Since AdeptID interacts with employer and employee data, security is a priority. Merge is SOC II Type 2 compliant, and so AdeptID (and their customers) are never worried about insecure data.

“We’re building the connective tissue for inclusive talent matching, so we need to reduce friction wherever possible without compromising security. Merge is a game-changer because it makes it easy for our partners to share real employment data in a secure way.” — Fernando Rodriguez-Villa, AdeptID CEO and Co-Founder

Have a critical need for HR and payroll, recruiting, or accounting integrations? Schedule a demo here or create a free account and start testing with Merge instantly.

