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How Merge Unblocked 10x in Sales for Assembly

Anthony Lagana


Assembly integrated with 30+ HR providers at once by integrating with Merge. Having integrations meant Assembly could close previously blocked deals, and the company has earned back 10x what they originally paid for Merge.


  • Who: Assembly, an employee engagement company
  • HQ: Santa Monica, CA
  • Funding Round: Series Seed
  • Funding to Date: $4.5 Million
  • Merge Category Used: HRIS
  • Merge Common Models Used: Employees, Teams, Employments, and Locations


Assembly was blocked from closing deals because of their inability to provide integrations with HR providers such as UKG, Ceridian Dayforce, and Zenefits.


Assembly integrated with 30+ HR providers at once by integrating with Merge. Having integrations meant Assembly could close previously blocked deals, and the company has earned back 10x what they originally paid for Merge.

About Assembly

Assembly is a fully customizable engagement solution designed to drive employee productivity, engagement, and retention while boosting internal culture.

A workflow for an individual contributor might be a simple to-do list or reminder. But for a company like Stubhub or Perforce, Assembly enables complex employee recognition and teambuilding tasks. Employees can easily create and automate any task across onboarding, daily employee work, manager-direct report engagement, and more! Go from time-consuming processes to automated workflows in just a few minutes. Assembly empowers teams to be productive and successful at work.

Companies especially love Assembly for its:

  • Easy to set up workflows and automation
  • Integrations with major providers like Slack and Microsoft Teams
  • Analytics dashboards
Photo of the Assembly Main Dashboard

The Problem of Integrations Blocking Sales

“We don’t need another tool”

Jonathan Fields has heard that one a few times. He’s the CEO and co-founder of Assembly, and when he pitched his company to any industry the demand was uniform: we don’t want another clunky piece of software. Jonathan, however, could answer “it isn’t.” The genius of Assembly lies in its ability to meet its customers where they’re at — Assembly keeps employees engaged in Slack or Microsoft teams, not in some third-party portal.

Where Assembly encountered trouble, however, was in getting to know who its customer’s employees were. An employee engagement tool needs access to HR data as a reliable ‘source of truth.’ Unfortunately, in the same breath as “no more tools” came “and there’s no way we’re going to put our HR information into another site.”

This meant: no CSV uploads, no third-party dashboard for an HR admin to upload company records. What was left? Direct integration with major HR providers: the ultimate source of truth.

While the solution was easy, the implementation was far from it. Each HR provider requires an engineering-intensive integration. It was a pain to roadmap and took focus away from Assembly’s core product. But every single integration was critical for Assembly to close deals — so what to do?

The Merge Solution

“We launched Merge, and it paid back in two weeks”

Jonathan is confident Merge is one of the best investments his company has made. By saying yes to Merge, Assembly was able to say ‘yes’ to its customers and unblock deals across the board.

A team of two engineers integrated Merge into Assembly in two weeks. “I’m talking about testing, start to finish. It was fast,” says Jonathan. Merge’s HRIS API allowed Assembly to use one common data model — Merge’s Employees object — to represent an employee regardless of the HR provider their customer used. Additional common models such as Teams, Employments, and Locations returned deeper information about Assembly’s end-users in a programmatic and reliable manner.

With Merge, Assembly incorporates HR platform authentication right into its product. Assembly’s customers experience a seamless process that allows their HR info to get pulled into Assembly’s platform like magic.

Assembly Merge Link

The proof is in the numbers. With deals unblocked, ”we definitely made back 10x what we invested in Merge,” says Jonathan.

Why Assembly Loves Merge

  • Easy customer onboarding — Assembly’s customers don’t know Merge exists, and that’s a good thing. Merge’s UI allows for authentication to occur like magic, and Assembly’s own customer success knows they won’t have to worry about confusing instructions or parameters.
  • Support when it counted — When a third-party provider changed its authentication process in the dead of night, Merge customer success was able to resolve the issue for Assembly and their customer in under a day.
  • 10x in value — With Merge, Assembly knows they can say ‘yes’ to the integration question — which unlocks lucrative sales in the process.

Merge is more than a critical sales tool

  • We’re an open platform that’s free to try by signing up today
  • If you want to sign up for a demo and discuss your own use case, then we’d love to talk here!

