Introducing API Log Search

Anthony Lagana


What would the old you do?

The message arrives from your customer: “My employee, Amy Chan, her home email isn’t showing in the dashboard and now we’ve failed to send her tax documents in time!!”

What would the old you do? Consider what could’ve gone wrong. Wait for your eng team to go through logs. Could it just be that your customer never put in their email?

Of course, that was the old you.

This is the new you. You use a Unified API for your HR integrations.

So: just go to the Merge API Request Logs page. Search: “Amy Chan.” Filter that search by requests from the Unified API to the HR platform your customer uses.

Searching the Logs

There it is: the problem was that the data was never stored. Your reply: ask your customer to fill the info in.

That’s how easy it is to solve issues with Merge’s API Log Search.

One search bar. Every request, to and from Merge. Text searchable, and filterable by any aspect of the log.

Meet API Log Search

Today, we’re thrilled to launch our new API Log Search. It’s dynamic, intuitive, and available right now through your Merge Dashboard. See it in action below.

Start Searching Now

API Log Search is available to all Merge users right now.

You can access it through your Merge Dashboard under the Logs tab.

Customers on our Grow and Expand plans benefit from longer retention periods for Logs. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to a member of our Sales team.

Log Search is dynamic, intuitive, and, we have to say, fun to use.

There are some great Help Center articles to get you started creating dynamic, intuitive searches.

Read them over to learn about the nuances of Log Search now.

Happy searching.

