Audit + marketing development

Hey community!

Meridian Network
Meridian Network
3 min readJul 17, 2020


Hope you’re all doing well! We noticed an increase in awareness regarding our project over these past few days and wanted to start by thanking everyone who contributed to this, we received dozens of emails this week alone with offers and proposals concerning our expansion once we release our DAO balancer pool and would like to let you all know we’ll be reading every single one of them.

We have a few announcements to make, you can find those at the bottom of the article.

Onto the audit.

We set everyone’s expectations for the audit release this Friday, today, as this was the timeline Hacken had given us regarding the report’s completion.

Unfortunately, we had a call with them a couple of hours ago, where they informed us the release was delayed for Monday.

As we want to make sure the staking dapp/swap portal are completely secure so our holders know their funds will be safe and sound throughout the staking period, this implies delaying the launch of our LOCK token and Meridian Vault as well. This was a team decision, where we came to the conclusion it’s better to hold off launch for another couple of days until we get the audit report and the okay from Hacken.

We’re sorry for this and hope you guys understand, but we believe delaying launch for Monday is the best decision for everyone, ourselves included.

To recap, these are the events expected for Monday (previously set for Friday (today):

  • Audit report released;
  • LOCK token launch;
  • Meridian Vault launch(pending audit results);
  • Token swap portal launch;
  • LOCK token liquidity lock.

Marketing development

As we stated in the beginning of our article, we have a few announcements to make, mostly concerning our marketing going forward.

We’ve just closed a deal with the GAINS community, a group with over 6,100 Telegram members, 4,400 Twitter followers and over 1,000 Discord members( ) who will be releasing around 20+ promotion posts with information on different topics relating to Meridian, as well as hosting an AMA with our core team. More on this soon.

We are in the process of settling on an agreement with several known communities with the goal of expanding Meridian into new areas, specifically:

  • a select twitter community mostly comprised of influencers who will promote us as they create their own content about Meridian;
  • an Indian community, one of the largest, proposed a strategic 4-week plan with several events (including an AMA), which we agreed to( to be disclosed next week);
  • another community, this one within Discord with nearly 1,000 members (between influencers and insiders), will be promoting our brand as well as hosting as AMA with the core team to answer their members questions;

We’d also like to add that we’re looking at other possibilities while the Meridian Vault is live, namely a partnership with a top Youtube influencer who will be educating his viewers on the project and a promotional video to add to our content repertoire and facilitate Meridian’s awareness expansion.

Let us take the opportunity to add that we recently closed a deal with a mid-tier crypto exchange for listing within 1–2 weeks, as well as announcing that we began development of our whitepaper, to be released at our DAO balancer launch.

You will be hearing more about this next week, we plan on releasing an article on Monday at our Vault launch with all the info regarding the audit and token swap plus the liquidity lock.

Once we settle on all the details, we will be releasing an article announcing the specifics of these next marketing steps, which should also happen next week.

Until then, hope everyone is doing great. Talk to you again on Monday!

As always, stay safe!

The Meridian team,

Twitter | Website| Telegram | Contract | Discord | Github



Meridian Network
Meridian Network

A Web3 ecosystem of DeFi protocols governed through DAO-implemented mechanisms