Launch week overview & update

Meridian Network
Meridian Network
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2020

Dear community,

We are live!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of our Meridian Vault and LOCK token. These past 24 hours have been a test to the platform’s performance and we’re proud to say we passed it with flying colors!

Let’s go through these recent events one by one as to provide a clear picture on what has been accomplished this week so far.

LOCK token launch

LOCK has been launched with a total supply of 15,500,000, as previously stated, where 5,000,000 will be used for staking rewards with all undistributed tokens being burned at the end of the staking period. 500,000 were also issued and set aside for the DAO community pool which users will vote on and decide the best use for.

Here is the contract address for LOCK:


Meridian Vault and Swap portal

We consider our Vault and Swap portal launch to have been a successful one, with no issues arising from either platform, which can be seen from the current swap and staking stats.

As of this moment, over 90% of MRDN’s total supply has been swapped for LOCK.

At the same time, nearly 4,000,000 LOCK have been staked within our Vault, meaning almost 70% of circulating supply is currently staked.

Considering the above reasons and the fact that we are still within the first 24 hours, we’d like to thank our community for the faith they have placed in Meridian and let you know we will keep doing our best to meet everyone’s expectations and keep delivering what we set out to.

Liquidity lock

As stated throughout these past couple of months, we have locked the liquidity on Uniswap after re-adding it at the exact same ratio. The way we did this was by sending the Uniswap V2 tokens to the burn address, ensuring they can never be retrieved meaning LOCK’s liquidity is permanently locked on Uniswap.

Liquidity lock transaction can be found below:

A few other tasks our holders might be keen to know:

  • Our DAO Balancer is now entering the final stage of development, as we prepare to implement the mechanisms that will allow users to vote on pools, assets and future protocols;
  • We have submitted our new token LOCK for listing on Coingecko, along with all relevant details;
  • We will be looking at listing on Coinmarketcap as soon as we list LOCK on a new exchange, which should happen in less than 2 weeks;
  • We have also submitted LOCK’s logo for Uniswap and Trustwallet;
  • We have updated our Vault interface to reflect the current circulating supply instead of the total supply, while accounting for staking rewards and token burns.

Marketing announcements

We have a few announcements to make which we believe will interest our holders.

Regarding our marketing plan, we will be attending 5 AMA’s within the next 7 days. Some of these are crypto enthusiast communities, while others are crypto influencer communities, and some are a mix of both.

Teh Moonwalker

Wednesday, July 22nd 4pm UTC with 5,509 members with 54,300 followers

The Gem Hunters

Friday, July 24th 4pm CET with 2,149 members with 3,000 followers


Saturday, July 25th 3pm CET with 11,400 members with 1,900 followers

GAINS community

Sunday, July 26th 4pm UTC with 6,100 members with 4,900 followers


Monday, July 27th 5pm CET with 9,100 members with 400 followers

We’d also like to announce we will be featured in a prominent crypto influencer’s Youtube channel tomorrow, which we will be disclosing on our AMA with TehMoonwalkeR. While at the moment we can’t reveal the name, we can say his subscriber count is somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000.

That’s it for now!

We hope everyone’s as excited as we are for our DAO Balancer launch, and, as usual, feel free to drop by our channels where our super team of Admins is ready to answer all your questions.

Until we meet again!

The Meridian team

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Meridian Network
Meridian Network

A Web3 ecosystem of DeFi protocols governed through DAO-implemented mechanisms