Meridio: The New Standard for Shared Ownership of Physical Assets

Project Pangea takes on a new look and feel as the team gears up to take fractional real estate ownership to the mainstream.

Meridio Media
3 min readMay 22, 2018


We are thrilled to finally announce that Project Pangea is rebranding as Meridio! Our team has come a long way from our inception almost a year ago, and we couldn’t be more excited to solidify our brand as we approach our platform’s beta launch on the Ethereum mainnet.

Project Pangea Origins

Project Pangea was born from a prior initiative at ConsenSys in the real estate space: an Ethereum-based land registry and title transfer platform built for Dubai. As the project concluded, we realized that we were only scratching the surface of the benefits blockchain could provide for real estate. Meridio cofounders Corbin Page and Mohammad (Mo) Shaikh began exploring other tokenized business models around fractional ownership, and “Project Pangea” was selected as a temporary name for the venture. While the name was very fitting, it served its purpose and it’s time we shed our old skin and prepare our company for long-term adoption.

Corbin and Mo outside our Bushwick office.

Meridio: What’s in a Name?

So, why Meridio? While it’s hard to give one definitive reason, something about the name felt “right”. The word meridio in Greek translates to the noun “share” in English, which we feel is a very suitable name for a company enabling users to own fractional “shares” of real estate. Furthermore, meridio’s roots lie in meridian — a boundary that divides the earth into equal parts. This man-made concept is now used worldwide as a standard to pinpoint physical locations. In the same way, we at Meridio plan to create standards around shared ownership of physical assets. Meridian can also mean “a point or period of highest development or greatest prosperity.” We’re certainly working to take the real estate space to a new level of ease, access, and empowerment.

Brand design is an essential process for any startup. Even the best products will fail if they lack in usability and accessibility, and that all begins with a unified brand identity and an attractive UX/UI. Rebranding for us not only meant changing our name: it meant redesigning our entire application. We revamped our logo, colors, fonts, and design assets, and developed a more cohesive, compelling, and intuitive flow through our platform. Meridio’s long-term vision is to create a model for real estate ownership and investment that is simple, accessible, transparent, and rewarding. And so, over the past few months, we’ve taken every measure as a team to showcase these values across every touchpoint.

Now that we have formally retired Pangea, we are unifying our website, social media accounts, newsletter, swag, and everything else under the Meridio brand. The branding process is officially complete, and now we can focus on building out the technology and onboarding users to the platform. We will be making some big announcements in the very near future!

Thank you as always for your continued support. The enthusiasm and interest in tokenized real estate from across the space has been an incredible motivator for our team over the past few months. Visit to learn more about our vision for democratized real estate and to sign up as an investor or an asset owner. Follow us on twitter @ meridioRE to stay updated on our progress, join our telegram group to get in contact, and also check out our recent feature on CNN showcasing our first tokenized asset. We look forward to making open access the new standard for real estate, and we can’t wait to watch the Meridio community thrive.



Meridio Media

Meridio is a blockchain based platform for investing in and trading fractional shares of real estate. Invest in a simple and accessible way.