Love Endures All Things

Femi Senjobi
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2021
Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

This one is not so exciting. The call to endure means the circumstances are not palatable. Life is not always made up of happy times. There are moments we pray and hope pass by quickly. There are times when we experience real pain and perhaps persecution. Even in these low and unpleasant times, love never leaves us stranded. It has a response for every situation. Love is the very nature of God. God can never be caught unawares. He can never be trapped in a situation. When love is shed abroad in our hearts, we have a response in every situation. We will never face a situation we will have to call the end. Love helps us tap into divine resources for a way in every situation.

To endure is to remain, to tarry, to abide, to not recede, to not flee, to endure ill-treatment bravely and calmly, to wait for intervention. It is not every situation we face with power. But we face every situation with love. Love is in tune with the heart of the Father. It knows exactly when to respond with power and authority. It understands when to be meek, and endure for a greater cause. Jesus on the path of the cross manifested endurance in love. He endured the cross, despised the shame for the sake of the joy set before Him.

It is important to keep love in our hearts especially at times like these. In times of rejection, persecution, false accusation, loss, pain, etc we need to hear God more than ever. We need the reassuring voice of God to keep us going. It is His voice that makes life worth living in such a moment. Love in our heart keeps a channel of access to God open. We can always draw strength from there. Jesus and Stephen amaze me a lot. In the face of the fiercest persecution and gruesome death, we still see the Love of God manifest in their heart. Jesus said Forgive them father for they know not what they do Luke 23:34. I think Stephen took it up a notch with Do not lay these sins against them Acts 7:60. Love has the ability to still experience open heaven in the midst of heavy persecution and in the face of death!

Love the character of God and it is well sufficient for every type of condition. It helps us withstand the external pressures and still maintain an internal atmosphere sensitive enough to experience God while still having some extra love to share. Historically, we have seen that the most breathtaking miracles have happened in times of intense persecution and suffering. When the world is turning upside down, it is possible to experience a place of calm where we can still pull on heaven’s resources and manifest here on earth!

Other Posts in the Walking in Love Series

  1. Introduction (Part 1 -7)
  2. Love is… (Part 8–18)
  3. Love bears all things
  4. Love believes all things
  5. Love endures all things
  6. Love hopes all things
  7. Love never fails
  8. Love always wins

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Femi Senjobi
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