
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2019
Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

Wafers baked on hot coals on the altar of the creator.
Smoking hot, that the lust of man will not resist,
Sizzling with such an aroma that keeps us coming back
Will you eat?
O man, come, eat,
Eat that you may die!
Die that another be made in the novelty of kingly life,
a being, forever.
Seeds of dharia made with honey,
Eternity encrypted in each soft flake,
We’d eat,
what makes forever for the celestial,
food of the burning ones,
As eternity takes shape and depth in our belly.
Living springs,
Deep wells of water where we draw bread freshly baked.
Eat, for the journey is tiring,
The forks of hungry souls reached deep into the transcendent caldron that feeds eternity,
Will corrupt beings still speak of hunger in this affluence?
Those that gathered little know no lack
The more you get, there’s nothing left to keep
Eat that you may satisfy your hunger
At the end of your hunger is a deeper hunger

I am Samuel; the crying voice

