Seven constructive COVID19 stories that caught our eye

MERJ Exchange
MERJ Exchange
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020
Reports suggest the earth is appreciating this pause in economic activity. Photo credit: Trey Ratcliff

Looking for positive vibes? Every day, scientists are learning more and more about this novel coronavirus. There is good news out there, you just have to look for it. We have pulled together 7 articles with an interesting or positive angle to them.

1According to one third of coronavirus cases may be completely asymptomatic. This is based on the relatively clean statistics coming from Iceland as well as more messy data from other countries. If more people are infected than first realised, and many are asymptomatic, this offers new opportunities and new challenges. If nothing else a higher number of infected people reduces the percentage of serious and fatal cases. It also suggests that there is a greater degree of natural resistance, and perhaps immunity already in our communities. Experts are learning about this virus every day and these insights offer hope that we may be closer to the end of this situation than we thought.

2Following on from that, an interesting and positive viewpoint from Nobel Laureate and Stanford biophysicist, Micheal Levitt. His analysis of the statistics has identified a trend which suggests that there is a natural force at work which is contributing to a decline in fatalities over time. As he concedes the data is far from perfect but other people have noticed the same trend and concluded that is more than just noise.

3Fedex’s Earnings Call indicates that China’s economy is on a path to normalization. Since 3rd March they have observed a week on week rebound and believe 90–95% of large manufacturers are now back to work in some capacity. This sort of V shaped rebound is reminiscent of the recovery after the SARS outbreak in 2002–2003 and is the sort of positive signal world markets are looking for.

4There are a myriad of treatments and vaccines currently in development. Here’s a list of those publicly available, courtesy of the Milken Institute:

5Social Distancing has has become a part of everyday language these days. This simulation in the Washington Post is a brilliant visual illustration of how it works.

6Everyone can take steps to support and strengthen their own immune system. Whether that is reducing alcohol or increasing sleep. This article offer tips for optimal nutrition to fight COVID-19 or any other virus:

7In many countries the pause in commercial activity seems to have given local environments a chance to breathe. There are reports of satellite images from Wuhan and Milan showing a clearing of the polluted skies, and residents of European villages being able to see the surrounding mountains for the first time in living memory. This article reports on the rivers running clear and wildlife returning to the canals of Venice.

Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the spread of this virus. We are in no way trying to downplay its impact. We are merely looking for nuggets of positivity at this exceptional and challenging time. Please follow local advice and stay safe.

We’ll leave you with social distancing in one graphic:

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