How to create collections?

Rui Vilela
Merkatsu Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2015

Collections are super useful as we already covered on previous post. Now it is time to learn how to create collections.

Step 1 — Go to Menu & Select Store

  • Click on the menu button.
  • Select the store where you want to create your collection. By clicking on “My store” and clicking on the store you want to select.

Step 2 — Go to Collections & Create

  • After step 1 click on “collections”
  • You’ll be directed to a new menu. In order to start creating you collection click “Create a new Collection”

Step 3 — Edit Your collection

After finishing step 2 a new page will show up. On the right side of the page you’ll be able to edit your collection. Here’s what you can do:

  • Name your collection
  • Give a slogan to your collection
  • You can change the image of your collection.
  • You can give the possibilities for your visitors to order the products inside the collection by Popularity, Novelty and/or Price.

You’ll know if the “order by” option is active if the box is fully grey or just check your left side, to see if it is showing.

  • You can also decide to put filters

This option is advanced so we’ll leave it to this tutorial.

Step 4 — Save

  • The last step is to save your collection.

By saving your collection it does not mean it will be visible. Unless it’s your first collection by default all collection are hidden.

