How To Use Pinterest Marketing To Grow Your Business

Nicholas Tay
Merlion Review
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

Let me first confess that I love Pinterest! Whether it’s making boards for fashion trends or DIY home decor or even planning my wedding, I use Pinterest to bring my ideas and creativity come to life. However, if you’re thinking that Pinterest is this ‘mushy’ social media site where everything is rosy and dandy, then let me burst this bubble of misconception. While I agree that your assumption isn’t entirely wrong as Pinterest is often cushioned as a practical marketing tool and thus many people actually don’t care to invest time in a Pinterest marketing strategy. Sad!

Going by the facts, people have hugely underestimated the potential of Pinterest when compared to giant social media companies. Well, don’t be fooled to label Pinterest as a “small” social media marketing platform. The Pinterest statistics tell quite a different story. The visual search engine of Pinterest attracts 200 million monthly active users, over 2 billion monthly searches and over 100 billion monthly pins.

Pinterest users (Img Source: Pinterest)

Using Hashtags on Pinterest

Using hashtags on Pinterest is now official.

Yes, now you can use relevant hashtags for your content in the Pin description.

Now before you rush to add hashtags to all your old pins, don’t bother to do that upheaval task.

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