Wilted Flowers & Shattered Hearts
If you’ve ever felt your stomach drop, knowing your relationship (and heart) just shattered… this one’s to you, babe.
It probably happened after your friends and family were already asleep. Caught you fully off guard, support-less. Left utterly alone to deal with his shocking news. Last time you had seen each other was his surprise visit with flowers. It’s hard to fathom what happened between the flowers and kisses to now.
Well, let me tell you what didn’t happen.
You didn’t lose your: Beauty. Smarts. Personality. Wit. Head-turning laugh. Spirituality. Sensitivity to others. Love for life. The light in your eyes. Anything.
Those were a part of you before he fell for you! They play no role in your relationship falling apart.
It is not your fault he decided to visit his ex. Even if it was to finally return her stuff. It is not your fault he then chose to put the “ex” back in “sex”. Even if you were holding that part of yourself back from him until later. It is not your fault you feel cheated on. Even if it was an “open relationship”.
Nothing is your fault.
He chose to go see her, instead of coming to visit you. He chose to avoid your phone call. Instead he…